Starbucks added Meditation and Henna on the Menu!

Let's see how Starbucks added Meditation and Henna on the Menu this Evening A little angel that loved to meditate with us wanted 'only butterflies of henna'. Ana-Bianca was able to make her happy and planted seeds of joy with few strokes of henna! Leaf seen in Toronto that day - it does resemble a henna painting, doesn't it?! Toronto that day Burlington at Starbucks that evening This is our second collaboration with this awesome Starbucks Team for cultivating Seeds of Joy in our Burlington community.In fact we had so much fun that evening, and besides those…

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Joy Giving Keeps Flowing in Burlington News

Let's check how the Joy Giving Keeps Flowing in the Burlington News of Summer 2023 Ioana took this photo of the Burlington skies opening above her neighbourhood and shared it with the Burlington Today readers. 'What’s the Problem of this World?! There is No Joy. Simple as that – there is no joy.' 'If they had joy, they would not have done all these nonsensical things. There’s no joy.''When you have joy, you don’t want to fight, you don’t want to do anything that is harmful.''You don’t want to say anything after anyone, not only that but…

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Joys from Clay Artwork Meditation workshop

Feedback in a Collection of Joys from the Clay Artwork Meditation workshop Our poster that broughta lot of interest from the local Community! We were asked to provide more such events, so we will! We have gathered Feedback from the Clay Artwork Meditation workshop offered by 100 Seeds of Joy Team on Saturday July 15th at Orchard Hub. It feels like a Collections of Joys reflected in the video-clips, photo-albums and of course in the memories of those that actually participated to that Free event from the "Cool Kids and Parents" series that Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network…

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July’s Heart Opening Flow for Self and Canadian Togethernes

Join the Heart Opening Flow through Movement and Self-Realization Meditation Heart Openess Flow - poster that you can share further to spread the good news. Our team of volunteers from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network team in Burlington felt inspired to honour the Yoga Day and Canada Day in a meaningful way, leading to a Heart Opening Flow for Self and Canadian Togethernes. Let's bring the attention within, relax enough to find inner peace and the inner balance we all need. From that personal state we can reach further collectively towards our shared Togetherness with each other and…

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Beauties from an Evening of Flute Music and Meditation

Enjoy the Collection of Beauties from this June's evening of Flute Music and Meditation Shivangna playing the flute in Burlington On Tuesday June 12th, 2023 we enjoyed an Evening of Bamboo Flute Music and Meditation at Centennial Hall in Burlington, with Shivangna and her Flute Teacher (music Guru): Deep Ganguly, who is a 3rd generation Indian bamboo flautist . The photo 1 and 3 from the Photo Gallery shared above, were taken right after this special program. In fact Mother Nature, from above and around, seemed determined to contribute generously to our Joyful Meditative state! Check our…

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Rock Painting with Meditation in Burlington Today News

Indeed this Rock Painting with Meditation FREE Workshop is in Burlington Today Newspaper's Local News! Excerpts from Burlington Local newspaper article. You and yours joined this Cool Workshop on Saturday, June 17, 2023. Poster from the community event that provides this free "Cool Kids, Friends and Parents" workshop. Registration is required for this unique experience for kids, parents and friends alike. This event is part of the 100 Seeds of Joy community initiative. Feel free to contact us if you have any question. Further below we are sharing some feedback from the recent workshops and what lies ahead.…

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