Memories about Burlington Labyrinth – community heritage

Let's listen to Elsie's succinct recollection of the Burlington Labyrinth's earliest beginnings. We often go and meditate or have a light sahaja yoga outdoor meditation and workshop in Burlington's Labyrinth. During the summer, weather permitting, some of us enjoy taking the lunch break and meet there, sit on the grass, feel the clearing vibrations of Mother Earth and look to the clear Sky and allow its meditative Blue to absorb all our weary thoughts and in return place an innocent shine in our eyes and peace in mind. Not many know that Elsie was involved with Justine Guliani when…

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Humility is the Myelin Sheath of Vibrations – Story for Kings and Queens

Humility: A Royal Decoration Analuiza Torres Da Silva  -  a princess of Kuchipudi Dance -will honor soon our Halton region with a Free Public Program.  For all details of that event read this News.Probably you'll still wonder what's all about "myelin" in here and what connection can be with meditation or Kuchipudi dance. So, it's time to absorb & check out the truth from the few excerpts & story below: "..  supposing you start developing an art in your hand from your very childhood, then you develop the deftness of that particular art, because a kind of…

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The Gift of Peace that Surpasses All Understanding

Spontaneous Meditation in Burlington - A Serene Gift of Peace for Seniors "Sahaja Yoga has enabled me to deal with crises in my life through Meditation and brought me Peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding. I was guided to Sahaja Yoga after a serious accident when our van was broadsided by another car causing $16,000 damage to our vehicle. I sustained soft tissue injury from my seat belt and whiplash caused nerve damage in my neck. This accident changed my life as I knew it. Before the accident, I was a healthy, energetic senior, I cleaned…

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Sahaj Canada Day in Photos @ Burlington’s Strawberry Social Festival at Joseph Brant Museum, in 2009

Right here  - Burlington Downtown Waterfront - we've celebrated Canada Day 2009.We had many friends visiting us from as far as Vaughan as well from all around GTA.Yes, the event was called Strawberry Social and this name honours the true essence ("taste"!) of this community event: we all enjoyed the yummy strawberries, the great events provided by the organizing team (check out here)  and we had a wonderful time socializing with everyone around. We've made new friends that visited our booth and received the gift of sahaj cool-positive energy as well we've enjoyed the unexpected company of…

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July 1, Celebrate with us Canada Day Strawberry Social

Let's Celebrate Canada Day by Enjoying "Sahaj" Collectively We're glad and proud to announce that Sahaja Yoga Burlington will be an active participant to this wonderful community event that is FREE and Family friendly - OPEN to ALL. Visit us at our Booth where we'll be happy to introduce you to Sahaj = Spontaneous Meditation with Free Workshops. This Year's Event is promissing to be a Huge Success! You can find more details below + Directions. Where: @ Joseph Brant Museum - located next to Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital at 1240 North Shore Blvd. E. , Burlington…

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Gratefulness for State of Collective Enjoyment from Connection – Poem & Dream of Mother with Motherly Answer

Read more about the article Gratefulness for State of Collective Enjoyment from Connection – Poem & Dream of Mother with Motherly Answer

Gratefulness I need thousand hands To count the Blessings on their fingers The Blessings You gave to me A gift to learn to be And that is not enough. I need thousand mouths To thank for all for wonders You filled my heart So gently and incessantly And that is not enough. I need thousand hearts To pray for all the Love You are The Love You shared with me And that is not enough. For all I need surrounds me And it's in me It's You in different forms of the same Reality Which You make…

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