A Sahaj Essay on Horses & People at Horse Rescue Centres – Love & Support in a Journey that Stregthens the Hearts

"Distance tests a horse's strength. Time reveals a person's heart." Chinese Proverb When the Unconditional Love becomes Support & Bond I've asked Liallyn, dear and respected friend, also an experienced practitioner and volunteer teacher of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, to find words for her special connection with horses. On Easter weekend 2010, Liallyn had visited us from Edmonton and my entire family had listened fascinated to her stories about the time she spends as volunteer at the Horse Rescue centre -near Edmonton. The she showed us some photos from that magic place where the sahaj spirit is already at…

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ALL ABOUT “Art & Spirituality ” YOANN’s TOUR in Canada, Fall 2010 – 20 Programs so far!!

Yoann Freget - coming from France - will be touring Canada from September 16 until October 31, 2010 Note to Universities, Schools, Places of worship, Associations, Businesses and Corporations: Yoann is ready to meet Canadians that Love to Live  the Music!  Do not miss such an opportunity! Actually Yoann's 2 Months of travel across Canada are almost fully booked with events - he will perform almost daily, sometimes even twice same day! NOW is the time for you (or your organization) to send us as soon as possible an invitation in case you are interested to benefit…

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Morning Meditation with A Murmur of Starlings & Sea Rose: Contemplate & Listen!

Let's have this on-line morning meditation 'together'. We need to make sure that the speakers are ON for an Amazing Music (sahaja yogis are the musicians!), then we open our hands towards the screen and simply immerse in Meditation while we are listening to the beautiful music (sahaja yogis are singing!) .. and watching with patience & pure attention :-) how the Divine Hand is gently drawing on the Sky with collective movements of birds dancing together as One.  So beautifully captured on video!  Let's make sure we enjoy All that this article has to offer till…

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“Incredible! A Gale Force!” says BBC reporter on TV, 1985 – Shri Mataji teaching the Bandhan (Protection for Chakras) and talking about the Blossom Time & Kundalini

Shri Mataji: 'But do you know what it means when you do the Bandhan? It is like when you make a circle in the water and it goes deep, like turbulence. And when you do this on your hand, you do the same in the Paramchaitanya (Universal energy-vibrations). It's acting immediately.' (click!) How we measure Spirituality? Higher Personality & Essential Definitions on What is & What is not Kundalini & Self-Realisation POSTED  | 22 | 12,405 VIEWS **Photo from Oakville Class and special event on Feb 23, 2019 - Mahasamadhi Tribute (CLICK to SEE more photos)

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Happy Marriages and Sahaja Yoga with Examples of 63 years of being together

There is an expression that finding your partner in marriage is like fishing: one never knows when and if ever the golden fish that fulfills heart's desires will be found :-). The above image I had always loved and even it was a 'snapshot' at that time, for me is so perfectly symbolic because in a marriage each one has the individual journey rolling on, sort of independently, while the couple share their lives with each other and mirror their personal experiences in each other.Today one friend, Navin, had reminded me that our most respected Yoga Teacher,…

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Enjoy & Reflect: Olga’s letter about Forgiveness Sunday & Slichot Day with Torah Wisdom, Easter Eggs, Easter Bunny and Chicks plus Easter Card from Abu Dhabi!!

Happy Easter! I forgive you! I'm singing my Easter Joy that's like a Sunny Daisy!! Easter letter from Olga -- a dear friend that is practising Sahaja Yoga meditation in Whitby "Dear family, One of the many blessings is to live in Canada, a country where so many parts of the world, cultures and religions are represented, so that we can open our hearts, our minds and appreciate the diversity. In spite of all visible and often superficial differences, there is a deep tradition of forgiveness rooted in almost every culture. Here are two traditions that were…

Continue ReadingEnjoy & Reflect: Olga’s letter about Forgiveness Sunday & Slichot Day with Torah Wisdom, Easter Eggs, Easter Bunny and Chicks plus Easter Card from Abu Dhabi!!