What is a Mother and How we repay her (Blood, Vibrations and Chakras) – Answers from Islam’s Prophet and Sahaja Yoga Meditation

What is a Mother and How we repay her? Meditate on Mother's Day with Answers from Islam's Prophet and Sahaja Yoga Meditation Even as a Girl   "You see a child, you see a girl who is innocent. What interests her is her little dolly. She’s the mother, out and out.  If she’s properly brought up, from very childhood she’s a mother. And Motherhood is the epitome of Womanhood."  Shri Mataji - founder of Sahaja Yoga Cool Kids are the best gift for Mother’s Day (Gibran’s Quote) Even in Islam's Hadiths "Paradise lies under the feet of your Mother"…

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For You, My Diamond Friends – on May 7, I Thank you

"What I am trying to tell you is that, with these vibrations, you enter into the divine ether. This ether exists in everything...but it is nothing that you have to do because you are one with the divine ether. And when you start just paying attention to someone, that ether just goes and acts. So your attention becomes collectively conscious and collectively active. Thus you become great friends. There is no quarrel. There is no jealousy because you know you are part and parcel of One Personality. The second thing that happens to you is that you…

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Discover Sahasrara the Crown Chakra through Beauty and Subtle Science On Mondays

Let's Discover Sahasrara the Crown Chakra through Beauty and Subtle Science On Mondays In this article we will not just learn about the seventh subtle energy centre known as the Crown Chakra named "Sahasrara" in Sanskrit language. In fact we will discover its beauty and subtle science connected to poetry, the yoga system and even to Mondays! Let's be Kabir's Friend, follow him and Gaze to the Infinite Beauty from the Lotus with 1000 Petals.  "Do not go to the garden of flowers O friend, go not there In your body is the garden of flowers Take…

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Equation with Love, Truth and Miracle Crown Chakra – The Solution is in You and contains Sahaja Yoga’s “Defects” & Responsibilites

"Today, I think for the first time, I have been able to tell something to you which I was hesitating always, that let it be, just now they are still little babies, it's all right..But now, after this, you have to grow.Grow in every way."This article is based on an excerpt from a lecture offered by the founder of Sahaja Yoga, in 1994, on the Mastery/Guru Principle that is placed in the Void area of our subtle system but that is strongly connected to The Crown Chakra . This subtle energy centre we know as Sahasrara chakra,…

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The Powers of Virata and Viratangana in Kundalini’s Meta Science

The Powers of Virata and Viratangana in Kundalini's Meta Science Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - holding up the "right Vishuddhi finger" through which the energy is flowing. We will focus on the important role played by America and its connections to the subtle notions of "Virata" and "Viratangana" in the light of Sahaja Yoga Meditation knowledge. You might be delighted to discover such beauty and wisdom in the quotes compiled below for your spiritual benefit, from the Lectures of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Let's also understand that are real powers stored in…

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A Sahaj Essay on Horses & People at Horse Rescue Centres – Love & Support in a Journey that Stregthens the Hearts

"Distance tests a horse's strength. Time reveals a person's heart." Chinese Proverb When the Unconditional Love becomes Support & Bond I've asked Liallyn, dear and respected friend, also an experienced practitioner and volunteer teacher of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, to find words for her special connection with horses. On Easter weekend 2010, Liallyn had visited us from Edmonton and my entire family had listened fascinated to her stories about the time she spends as volunteer at the Horse Rescue centre -near Edmonton. The she showed us some photos from that magic place where the sahaj spirit is already at…

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