Your Sahaj Valentine’s Feedback with Photos & Great Experiences


An amazing evening when we felt that we are one Spirit through Love and Music was its voice through our beautiful Halton musicians and sahaja yoga practitioners: Ahilan, Rajani and Michael


“This event was amazing for me, I felt cool breeze very strongly and all the vibrations and plus the great great feeling of having a loving and caring family of sahaja yogis in our group. I had many experiences in life with people however this is the most amazing. Loving and strong connection which i can’t explain in words because is heavenly, spontaneous and without any conditions. I really had no celebration like this before. Thanks, Ayesha, Milton-Mississauga class


Ayesha is the lady in red in the front row, with her hand on her heart


“Yes, we did in fact all come together as a family which was beautiful especially given some of us had met each other for the first time last night.

At our Burlington class, we have become honestly like second family and I feel I would do anything in my power to help each other out regardless of their situation.  I have spoken to various newcomers and they have shared some their past/present pains.

As I listen to them, I immediately think how can I help.  As being blessed with  self realization I would like to give back in helping people on their journeys…I was thinking of us creating a bandhan box that people can write their needs and we select one piece of paper each Wednesday and we collectively do a bandhan for the first 5 minutes of each class.

I would love to partake in collectively helping other people as I know we are much more powerful together. All my love, Sonia, Burlington Class .”

“Thank you for organizing such a wonderful event! The musical portion was amazing! Until yesterday, I had only experienced a faint tingling sensation in any Chakra, but during the musical performance, I felt a cooling sensation creep up my spine between my shoulder blades. Wonderful! Also, thank you for giving me an honorable mention and a loving welcome! I am excited to continue participating. Have a wonderful weekend, I will see you next week! Jon, Oakville class (in the photo below Jon receives a chakra workshop during this event, from Bobby-Milton

“My dear friend, when you asked about experience tonight, as usual, my polite side (per my mother’s influence) told me to wait ..  Once there was a pause, I swelled up with my feeling of need to express gratitude to my new friends and asked if you would pick me to speak.  I have to say, I was so happy to be there tonight because I want so much to be together co-creating with a group of loving individuals…but at the same time, I could scold myself for a marginal attempt based on my perfectionist traits and know that my performance was about 6/10 at best But based on what I said, I know I was not being judged and that is what makes it so RIGHT!  I was tired, sick, weak, uneasy, arthritis, but the outcome did not matter, there was so much love, I was able to not judge myself and took some love home with me.  I was blown away by Ahilan and Rajani,  their Indian hymns so deeply felt and such courage for Rajani to sing “Innocence” with such acceptance and vibrancy, she rose to a higher realm and is only starting…wow. Back to what you missed…I said to paraphrase ‘I came here about 5 or 6 weeks ago as a newcomer and I am so overwhelmed by the Love and Acceptance that I have enjoyed that I feel like am in a Family and I hope that anyone new can experience it and hope that you come back to see us again.’ God I love you guys, you are awesome…and gosh so am I.  Love, Michael – from Halton classes (seen in the photo above)

Photo-album from the Event – Enjoy it till the End!!

Soon GREAT MUSIC VIDEOS from this event will be uploaded.

Enjoy our Valentine’s Invitation & Sahaj Wisdom on LOVE

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Ioana

    Now, let’s praise the Awesome volunteers from all 3 Halton classes that collectively and with much joy had worked for the success of this evening! Elszbieta and Manisha (Batra family) from Milton (just to name a few) have transformed the place into a paradise of love and into a kingdom of hearts with their decorations!!The “stage” was so beautifully & perfectly decorated!!! Same with the meditation place.. Kudos go to Jayanthi and Indu from Oakville and Debbie from Burlington… sorry if I miss anyone . Chandra from Oakville is the super-yogi, he brought all the media equipment, fetched it from Etobicoke last Saturday + the projector +books. Thank you Bobby (from Milton) for your help everywhere is needed. Mama Carmella from Burlington with our dear Indu and Jayanthi from Oakville and Sonia from Milton are the patrons of our potluck table and they are definitely blessed by Shri Gruha Lakshmi with the power of a divine hostess, taking care of us all to be well fed after our event.. This time they got a great help (I was told so) from Jon, who joined our sahaj family only last week but he is already everywhere helping and fully involved in all3 Halton classes. Welcome!! We had such a powerful , united, sweet, effective and creative “Welcoming Team” in Samar (Milton), Sonia(Burlington) and Debbie (Burlington). Bravo!!!!
    We had our Perviz from Milton who printed out the welcoming flyers & the distributing sahaja yoga meditation information for everyone tonight. Many thanks to Nari from Milton class and Ana Bianca from Burlington class for the beautiful photos. Btw, Soon GREAT MUSIC VIDEOS from this event will be uploaded. The wonderful everyone coming from far and always generously contributing to the potluck, from Milton-Mississauga-Brampton (Ayesa, Priti & family, Rakhi and our new friends like Shakuntala and others from our Milton class). Isabelle from Milton joined us and she is always helping everywhere is needed!! So nice always to see you ALL and enjoy you all!!
    Of course our very dear musicians: Ahilan, Rajani and Michael!! Have no words to praise them enough .. they fought weather, time, busy schedules, colds and .. you name it!!
    But they remained sahaj … everything was done with love, joy, like in a play but of course with the pure desire to represent sahaj well .. the quality of both music and spirituality = the Cool Vibrations to “manifest” that evening .. and so it happened!!!!
    Thank you … the Heart was open all the time .. so was the Sahasrara .. and all was Cool .. a Perfect Sahaj Family Time!!

  2. Pranita Rottmann

    ….Amazing creative initiative….to manifest the seeds of true Love..pure Love…….Nirmal Love…

    May divine guide us all to be one in Her Love….Making others the Drop in the same Ocean of Love….

    ….WIth Nirmal Love

  3. louise

    Beautiful for us to be welcomed and be a part of a beautiful evening full of spirit!

  4. anna mancini

    Ioana, your emails and information on SY continue to inspire me! thank you!

    Is that you with the shoulder length blonde hair and the picture of the small heart on you ID?

    anna mancini

    1. Ioana

      Here on the page is Sonia, a dear new friend from the Burlington class. For each feedback posted on this page about the Valentine’s event one can also see “who is talking” from the nearby picture.. Just click on any picture on the blog and normally you have a description about it.. Ioana is among the many others from the Halton family that are “in” the photo-album 🙂 from this article .. try harder there :-)) We hope to come to USA this year for the Summer Sahaja yoga meditation seminars and workshops in Canajoharie, NJ area .. maybe even a bunch of us from Halton, Canada. Thank you for your interest in us, much appreciated.. All my/our sahaj love to you and to our New York e-friends.

  5. Elsie

    Our Burlington group is a loving family. We are one in spirit. I wish I could have been there. I have attended many functions where there was music and they were joyous events.

    The pictures are beautiful and greatly appreciated. Thanks Ana Bianca

  6. Debbie

    Thank you so very much to everyone who made this event possible and a success, starting of course with our beloved friend Ioana. Sahaja yoga is a true reflection that unity amongst all is possible – there are no barriers. An evening that was thoroughly enjoyed!

    Lots of love always.

  7. Kruti

    Beautiful decorations and joyful event, but it’s too bad I missed it.

  8. paula

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful decorations, music, and love of this wonderful event that was open and free to the public and shared from the heart. I have had the pleasure to hear all 3 musicians sing and play instruments and even though the clip is not up yet, I can feel the emotion and love in the photos. I had the privilege of postering for the event, and my mother attended this wonderful project with full heart. Sonia thank you for opening your heart, I think the BANDHAN BOX is a brilliant, inspired idea to spread good vibes and incite change towards good. Thank you for this gift of photos so that I can be there too.

  9. Chandini

    Jsm wish i was here in bullington to experience this also.

  10. Chandini

    this lovely event. does anyone of you know the fb name of ana bianca i woyuld like to add her as a friend. and rajani also. por favor

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