About Jesus Christ and His Subtle (Chakra) Role in Sahaja Culture on Christmas Day

Shri Mataji about Jesus Christ:
This is the Child of the Divine.
He came like a morning flower to make you happy. “

“Christ was the subtle, complete subtle. He was nothing but subtlety itself personified. He was so subtle, He was such..  that He walked on the water. He was nothing but pranava (in Sanskrit), just vibrations. There was no gross principle in Him. When we are celebrating the birthday of Christ we have to imbibe his qualities, his subtleties, his nature.

We should try to be subtler and subtler and not gross and this is what is important in Sahaja Yoga culture. In Sahaja Yoga culture, our attention is on the subtle. On the beautiful varieties of subtle. See all the sweetness and the goodness, all the artistic, aesthetic projections of human life. Not the gross, not the grotesque. It’s going to be a new culture for us. We have started the dharma (in Sanskrit, signifying  the innate religion, right conduct, righteous and moral behaviour), but every dharma has to have a culture and we are the culture of sukshma, of the Subtler Life.

Subtler people are the most beautiful, are the most congenial, are the most idealistic, and are the most honorable like Christ.

So for us The Ideal is Christ. But always be able to sacrifice, coping with all the discomforts and problems and not talking about yourself, not worrying about yourself, not discussing others and judging others, but giving assurances that now we are at this level, we’ll be at a higher level and all the world has to come up to that level. Very positive talking, very positive thinking and very positive doing is the way you can really follow Christ. Whatever He had to do, He did it with such Great sense and Beauty. That is what it is.

So we have to be born like Christ today.”

Shri Mataji, talking about Christ during a Christmas Celebration with Sahaja Yogis in Pune, India, 25 December 1987

“Only Christ could be subtle because He’s the subtlest of subtle.

He’s even subtler than an atom because in the atom those vibrations, which move as asymmetric and symmetric movements, are subtler than the atom.

An this is the subtler of that also.

So in that little, very constricted area is only a personality like Christ, which is nothing but Purity.

There is no other element in Him but Purity.

All other incarnations have the five elements. He has nothing.

He is nothing but Pure Vibrations.

That’s why he could walk on water – because there was no mass in His body, no matter in His body – no matter, no element, except for Chaitanya itself.”

Shri Mataji  – Christmas Speech,  1990

A Sahaj Merry Christmas to All

** special thanks to Mihaela from Romania (for the beautiful quote on Christmas and card .. as well to Michael from Austria for the Christmas Card with Sahaj elements – including the Palazzo Doria, which is a sahaja yoga international centre donated by Shri Mataji’s family to the World Foundation.

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. armaity

    Thanks Ioana for this wonderful gift on the last day of 2010.
    The pictures are so very beautiful and aesthetic!!
    Wish that the day is not far when everyone outside Sahaja would experience and understand who Jesus Christ really is and that He can be resurrected within us, on our agnya chakra, and spontaneously awaken all His divine qualities in us, leading us to the promised ‘Kingdom of God’ !

    1. adrian

      He simply showed us the “way”… “the gate so to speak”… the rest is up to us.

  2. Debbie

    What a beautiful message – a good reminder to us how pure Christ was and what he represents. Let’s continue our journey on a positive note.

    Lots of love always.

  3. Sonia Batra

    Thanks Ioana for the beautiful message.

    Wishing you and your family Merry Christmas and an auspicious New Year!

  4. Pradip Gharpure

    What a valuable advice for Chrismas. I pray Mataji to give us more love, courage, ability and strength to bear anything like Lord Christ.
    May Mataji Bless us all.

    1. adrian

      Do for yourself as you would do for others…
      And do for others as you would do for yourself.

      1. adrian

        … LOVE …
        Love… Our… Very… Existence
        … Merry Christmas …

  5. Olga

    It’s so vibtational to read it!!!! And so beautifull pictures!!! Thanks a lot to Our Divine Mother for all knowllege,all opportunities to grow and became subtler and subtler, for all Her vibrations and all Her Divine Love, She is giving us! dear brothers and sisters!!!

  6. abhay


  7. adrian

    “he was subtle”…
    such a simple statement…
    so simple…
    how simple?
    We are our own Master…
    do we really understand what that means?
    It means we are our own Master…
    No one except us can fix us!!!
    He gave us the spark…
    to see our own rebirth through death…
    The death of old ways of being…
    no need to idolize
    no need to put anyone on a pedastel…
    no need to create fear because of someone else or something else…
    do not doubt that you are realized…
    “self realized”…
    choose to enjoy every moment…
    why not!
    exactly…why not…
    Why wouldn’t you…
    You are your own Master.

    Happy New Year

    1. Olga

      Thnak you Shri Mataji!!!

  8. Claudia

    A beautiful message ~ thank you . Happy New Year to all .

  9. armaity

    Thanks for your timely reminder about the subtle message of resurrection of Christ., which takes on a special meaning during this season !
    His message of hope and divine love brings a note of cheer to the troubled world !
    May the world recognize His role in bringing Light of Love to our spirit !

  10. yvonne hullin

    Thank You !!!!

    May God bless the whole world !!!

  11. Rajendra Tosawar

    The great article simply simplfied simplicity about Jesus Christ.By HER grace may we be simplified as She wants to be.



  13. adrian kraayeveld

    On “subtletees of Being”

    …last evening
    at Brant Street Sahaj.
    We were asked to speak!
    I reminded myself of…
    “To just open up”…
    And what did I say…
    It just came out…
    to say the word… “nothing”.
    I actually wanted t say “something”
    Instead I said… “nothing”!

    Later we listened to a video by Shri Mataji…
    On the guru principal…
    She spoke of being “creative”…
    A subtletee of the Guru within!

    Later that evening I had a very expanded meditation…

    I started to laugh uncontrolably…
    It was very joyful…

    I then realized what I had said about

    I realized I was speaking from the..
    I AM… when I said “nothing”…

    And was left with the realization…
    That I had said “everything”…
    In having said… “nothing”

    Quite subtle…
    So much so that I couldn’t stop laughing!
    So I thought to share that with All.

    So in “nothing” there is everything”
    And in “everything there is nothing”

    There is only the unity of… “ONE”

  14. adrian kraayeveld

    The “subtlety” of being born…
    with the innocence of a child…
    Jesus like…
    He was not needy…
    Nor was his imagination stifled…
    There in lies the subtlety of human existence… and experience.
    Through his own belief…
    He realized the potential for all.
    That the child within IS…
    Found in “innocence”.

    It appears that a child has nothing.
    However, is everything.

  15. Kruti Gandhi

    We have so much to learn from Jesus Christ and His life. Just reading about His qualities, vibrations start flowing strong and you feel that peace within. Thank you dear Ioana for this lovely post and other yogis for their comments and poem, I enjoyed reading them too. Merry Christmas to all.

    1. Isabelle

      I have nothing to say except that I agree with everything that was said.

  16. Paula

    Merry Christmas to all again and again. Love the article and the comments especially from those that can appreciate the incarnations that were eternal examples of harmonious teachings. Attention on my spirit and that awakened sense that helps one to know what is joy giving in this life. I am so grateful for this extra sense, the vibratory awareness that is unique and energy nourishing and revitalizing! May everyone “know themself” as Socrates has said. The methods to expand one’s awareness and evolve can be developed so simply by joining an online course offered here or in person. It’s always free and worth a million in well being. Best website ever.

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