The Psalm 23 and MIORITA – A Powerful Mantra for the Heart Chakra with Shri Shiva as The Shepard, Romanian Painting and Bach’s Cantata 122

Shri Mataji – founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation:

‘All the beautiful blessings of His are described in the Psalm 23 : The Lord is my Shepherd. It is all described how He looks after you as a Shepherd.’


“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. 

He leadeth me beside the still waters. 

He restoreth my soul. 

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness, for his name’s sake. 

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.”

** ** Psalm 23 – a psalm of David. Psalm 23 from the Bible has been recommended by Shri Mataji to help strenghten the centre Heart chakra. <– excerpt from Sahaja Yoga Meditation – Mantra Book)  Further on we can see that either as a prayer or as a song / Cantata it will still resonate with our Heart energy centre because it instils a sense of confidence, the essence of which is that we are not alone and that we are actively helped by Divine forces made available to us.

“Power of Shiva, of the Spirit. Now, one power which is His nature, is forgiveness. He forgives because we are human beings, we commit mistakes, we do wrong things, we get tempted; our attention is disturbed; so he forgives us…He forgives our egoistical behaviour and also our subordination to wrong things..

But when He forgives and as a result of that forgiveness you feel the gratitude, then His blessings start flowing towards you. He gives you tremendous capacity to forgive others. He pacifies your anger, He pacifies your lust, He pacifies your greed. Like beautiful dew-drops His blessings come on our being and we become really beautiful flowers. And we start shining in the sunshine of His blessings.

Now He (God, The Lord that is named also Shiva) uses His wrath or His destructive power to destroy all that tries to trouble us. He protects realized souls at every point, in every way. Negative forces try to attack.. but they are all neutralised by His tremendous power of protection. Through his vibratory awareness we are guided into right path. All the beautiful blessings of His are described in the Psalm 23 : ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’. It is all described how He looks after you as a Shepherd.”

(the excerpt above is from a Lecture on God’s Powers reflected in our subtle system with energy centers (chakras) and energy channels – in 1984, Sept 16, by Shri Mataji)

The PSALM 23 in Music – Two interpretations and approaches

Enjoy an interesting, modern yet powerful  rendition of the feminine setting of the 23rd Psalm, with Bobby McFerrin’s VOCAbuLarieS featuring SLIXS & Friends, live in Gdansk, Poland at the Solidarity of Arts Festival, 17 August 2013;

And the Classical one from J. S. Bach – let’s feel the balance and sweetness that brings strength and peace into one’s heart.

1. Der Herr Ist Mein Getreuer Hirt
To water pure he leadeth me,
Which me refreshment bringeth.
It is his sacred Holy Ghost (** we know from Sahaja Yoga meditation that the Kundalini within us is the reflection of the Holy Ghost),
Which makes me strong in courage.
He guides me on the proper road
Of his commandments evermore
For sake of his own name and honor.

(there are many musical compositions for the Psalm 23 but I had felt that for a sahaj article we need one that is really balanced and centred. Thus, J.S Bach can be our best choice as he was truly inspired in his music as a realized soul. His access to higher realms of perception was due to his Kundalini energy that was fully awakened since birth so Bach’s music feels ideal for Meditation.)

A spiritual and musical connection to Bach – shared by Vimala (violinist from Austria)

I bow before Your throne

I play the violin and luckily had the opportunity to play for Shri Mataji. I was seeking a lot and went to a seeker’s exhibition and saw the Sahaja stall and a picture of Shri Mataji. At that moment there was a feeling as if the music was rising inside me and I felt I had found the source of creation and She had to be the Creator.

After that, one year later, it was Diwali Puja. It was my birthday and many people went up to the stage to give presents and I thought, ‘What can we give Shri Mataji? The only thing we can give Her is music.’ When I was thinking this, four Czech men went to the stage and presented Shri Mataji with a folk song. So in my ignorance, I took my violin and went to the stage very slowly because I didn’t know if it was going to be okay or not.

‘Shri Mataji wants to see you,’ someone said.

I climbed up to the stage and I was thinking of Bach. At the end of his life, he was writing a very complicated work, which is called The Art of Fugue and even today they cannot analyze it. There is a chorus in it, which goes, Now I go and bow down before your throne.

‘The great Bach wrote that, but could not bow down and here am I, bowing to You,’ I thought and did not feel worthy. But I started tuning the violin and felt completely in Sahasrara. When I started playing in front of Mother, it was as if the sound was made in the Sahasrara, even though I was playing with my hands — total heart, the strongest experience I ever had.

Then I bowed down in front of Mother and felt I never wanted to get up again. Shri Mataji smiled at me and took my hand and put Her hand on my Sahasrara (the 7th chakra).

That was the greatest present of my life.

Vimala Gratz

(click!) Be a Flower not a Thorn (Inspiring ‘Spring Theme’ Excerpt)

This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Manga

    Thank you Mandita, beautiful painting…thank you Ioana, this posting is comforting to the heart (spirit).

  2. Liz

    I love this painting!! It is so beautiful, happy and innocent!!

  3. Tumpa shaw

    thank for this wonderful painting

  4. Bernard

    Thank you Ioana sister,


  5. Sa'di Kooshandeh


  6. Helen

    This site is amazing and the care with which it has been out together magnifies love that flows so,so profoundly.

    Deepest heartflet thanks to Ioana and all who made this offering available.

  7. paula erskine

    The video is amazing, trememdous vibrations! The first time I clicked on it I did not even know what they were singing, and still, my spirit reponded, my kundalini was dancing inside, I could feel the music with my heart. Then I just read the words, and it just gives it that much more depth and sense. Beautiful, great meditative moments.

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    1. NITI

      Amazing article “The lord is my shepherd, he is the comforter,the lord who is keeping us in all his protection ,guidance, Thanks for this beautiful article,video and painting.

  9. Malti Menon

    Thank you Ioana, for wonderful music. It’s very healing, soothing and innocent. I feel Shri Ganesha dancing in my Heart Chakra…


  10. Debbie

    This beautiful painting reminds us that the divine is always there. Forgiveness is so very important – why burden ourselves with carrying around such a heavy load – it’s very destructive so just let it go. The music has such lovely vibrations too.

    Lots of love always.

  11. chinnivanaja

    Really very nice. Thanku very much.

  12. armaity

    Very beautiful Ioana. Loved this compilation.

  13. Elsie

    I have said this prayer my entire life. It has given me comfort Now I learn even more – we are not alone and are helped by Divine forces made available to us. a beautiful meditation Bach’s cantata is perfect for this. It brings peace to my heart.

  14. Colleen

    The first video is very beautiful. Nice vibrations and I felt my heart open up. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Veronica Contescu

    Minunat, Ioana! Mul?umesc frumos!

  16. Anjali

    As I read this I could feel my center heart starting to clear out. So very reassuring and comforting the mantra of psalm 23. Thank you for this wonderful article full of truth.

  17. Maria

    Very cool painting with very positive and strong vibrations coming from it and I also love the way that the excerpts from the Bible and Bach’s music were used within the article as well!

  18. Gabriela M

    Wow I fell all of us know and use this beautiful prayer or listen on Bach All I can say is making me feel so cozy and covered in Love

  19. Anjali

    This article for me was the perfect way to start my Monday morning! The painting is so beautiful and lively. I wish the artist would talk about the painting and explain some representations that I’m sure we miss completely to understand. The musical pieces were so calming and ended too quickly. Thank you for this wonderful powerful article.

  20. Jolanta

    Dear Ioana,

    Thank you for posting this beautiful art.

  21. María Ángeles

    Thank dear Ioana, so beautifull post, and coro. Lot s of love.

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