Let’s tap into the Answers coming from Sahaja Yoga Meditation aka The Joy Giving Association to some stringent Questions on Life, Joy, Selfishness and the World Problems

Shri Mataji (the Founder of ‘The Joy Giving Association” known as Sahaja Yoga Meditation 🙂 ) says:
“[have a] Majestic Attitude towards Life. Like an elephant. That majesty comes when inside you have that Joy: ‘Nobody can make me unhappy.'”
“So, we are here to give joy, happiness to everyone, to make everyone happy. There are so many ways of making others happy. And for that, we have to learn also. So many things we have to learn, how to make others happy. And then when you make them happy, then you feel that joy within yourself. “Oh, they’re so happy.” See their happiness, then only this lotus opens out much more. Like a ripple moves and moves to the end of the shores and then from the shore it returns back. In the same way, when your joy reaches the joy of others, then the ripples that come up, make a beautiful pattern of your eye.
Just think of such situations where you did something good to others, being very nice to others and then you found the joy in that person and how that joy came back to you. Think of that pattern that you felt so subtlety in your life, how it is built in. Whenever you think of that time or that moment or that area, whole picture comes to you and you think, “What a time.” But that time is eternally within you, all the time ..
You are all, as I said, ‘You are my Light. And the light is there which is an eternal light. These (Diwali material candles) lights will be finished. We’ll have to light them [the material candles used for celebrating Diwali festival] every year.’
“Not you people. You have Eternal Light and this Light is going to spread Joy.”
“What’s the Problem of this World?! There is No Joy. Simple as that – there is no joy.”
“If they had joy, they would not have done all these nonsensical things. There’s no joy. When you have joy, you don’t want to fight, you don’t want to do anything that is harmful. You don’t want to say anything after anyone, not only that but you do not want to have something that will spoil this Mother Earth or which will bring ecological problem. No, you just don’t want it, don’t want to do anything because it harms harms others. People feel unhappy about it whether it is here, India, anywhere. You just feel that “Why should I do such a thing which is not so congenial to others?” I mean, it’s not joy-giving.
So when you have joy, you have to be joy-giving and if you are not joy-giving that means there’s something lacking in your Sahaja Yoga and that’s why we have to come up now.”
“We have to become Sahaja Yoginis, Sahaja Yogis. That is: “Joy Giving Society“. We can change our name, if you like. :-)”
“If Sahaja Yoga [name]is not good – [then change it to ]Joy Giving Association.“
“Now also we should find out: What kills the Joy. That’s important. What kills the joy? First I said you must have wisdom. Wisdom means that it gives you detachment, detachment from all that is selfishness, self-centeredness, self-obsession, ego – all connected with Self. Can you imagine?”
The Self, means the Spirit. Selfishness is what?
“Is the one that completely darkens the Self because you think of yourself, your children, your family, that’s all. At the most, even that sometimes – sometimes it’s only yourself. And when you start thinking like that and when you start becoming smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller, the lotus collapses. But to think about others is so great. In my case is different. If I think about myself really, I tell you, I feel very happy, nice, joyous, I must tell you, I must confess. But some people I think of, immediately my chakras start catching (=feeling their problems) and I feel, “Oh, God, why did I think of such a person?” I mean, their chakras start moving fast for that person. But this body is so generous that you can’t imagine even if I see somebody, suddenly the chakras start working as if I’m responsible for everybody’s chakras which are gone off, which I am in a way, but to such an extent.”
“But still I think about people who are in trouble, about every one of you. Why? Why do I think? Because I know that if I can improve your chakras, you’ll be happy. I don’t have to logically go to that point, but just my body knows it and it works.”
It works and feels very happy, when I see somebody getting their Realization it’s such a great joy to me.”
“When I see somebody being relieved of the problem, such a joy to Me because Joy-Giving is the character, nature of Spirit!”
“If you do not allow your Spirit to fulfil its own nature and its own character, Spirit is not going to manifest itself! “
“So You are the vehicle. You are the lamp, you can say, as far as body, mind is concerned.”
“But this light of Spirit, if it has to manifest, then it has to be of a very unique type that it emits all its light Outside.
“It gives light to others. “
“And this light-giving quality, you have to improve. Gradually you’ll be surprised, only if you try in your life, in your relationships, in your endeavors, to give light to others, to make their lives better, not to show off, not to be egoistical, but in a very loving, beautiful manner, you’ll really understand that you are the Spirit because Spirit loves. It loves. And in love you are forgiving, very forgiving. Sometimes, you know, leaders get angry with me that I’m rather forgiving. What can I do? That’s my nature. I can’t help it. Because I love, you know. If you love a person, you do forgive. You don’t feel bad. Not to forgive is difficult, but to forgive is the best. At least, when you forgive there’s no headache for you.“
“So this Love, which is Joy .. when this love melts and flows like a river and gives nourishment to all the surrounding trees on the shores, that is the time, is the completion of the individuality or a personality of that love and that’s the time, it feels fulfilled. It’s not just that you have a light in the corner, but it has to flow. It has to move. It has to nourish. Love is not something dead, like a stone. When it melts, it then encompasses everything and everything becomes very beautiful with that.”
“So you have to first understand that Life is for Giving Joy to others because you are now saints and Your Light has to give Joy. Little bit you have to bear. You have powers to bear. You have all the powers and so I wish you good luck for the next year and great prosperity.”
May God bless you.’
(all the above are excerpts from the same lecture of Shri Mataji on Diwali – the Row of Lights Festival, celebrated in Italy, November 1991)
More on Values as Benefits and Responsibilities for a Sahaja Yoga practitioner here.
In these times of turmoil, I’ve felt that we have to remember that the essence is Joy, which is Love, which is Compassion, which is ultimately a Giver of Life. And as we love Meditation and Yoga and we can experience the Powers we have in ourselves, in our own hands, Powers that are growing with the practice of Sahaja Yoga Meditation – let’s introspect what We can and have to Give to this World that is our Home. Maybe you’ve discovered useful answers coming from our beloved Yoga Teacher, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation.
(video) Sample# 1 of Joy Giving Association activity in Burlington with “We are One” event and Greek dance
(video) Sample# 2 of Joy Giving Association activity in Burlington with “We are One” 10 Year Anniversary (The Mayor participated too!)
Let us know if you’ve enjoyed this article. Drop a comment by the end!
Shri Mataji’s quote at the beginning states that…
“Nobody can make me unhappy”…
that is such a beautiful and simple thought… simply that… “nobody can make me unhappy”…
Such a comment is worth repeating… again and again, because once you have that “joy” within, nobody can take that away from you. Not all the misery in the world… not even the unhappy person sitting next to you is capable of making you unhappy, no matter how miserable they may be. They may try through such things as argumentation, conflict, sarcasm, ridicule and so on.
We realize… “REALIZE” as in “self realization”, that no one has the right to impose their negativity on us/you. It is your realization to understand that only you can make yourself happy, and then to be able to share in that happiness with others. I feel we sometimes become confused about whose job it is to make ourselves happy?
It is up to us to simply choose to be “happy”… because that is who we already are… it doesn’t matter that there are others around us who are unhappy, that is their choice.
The beauty is… that once we are “realized”… we know and experience just that… that we are happy… it isn’t up to anyone else… JUST YOU
I am grateful to see this post again…
To remind myself that only I can choose… through my own free will… to be HAPPY.
very true !
The part about Joy reminded me of this amazing observation by an American about how in the non-Sahaja world, “Everything is amazing, but no body is happy” — very thought provoking why without the Spirit, we cannot enjoy any luxury, comfort or convenience. Must watch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r1CZTLk-Gk
Wonderful site ! Thank you for all this ! That picture of JOY is tremendous… Congrats !
Spirit becomes the joy which flows like a river. Great quotes.Thank you JSMataji
The greatest Joy is to Share, to share Oneness!
Thanks Ioana
The phrase by Shri Mataji that “nobody can make me unhappy” if I am filled with joy to begin with, is a profound statement. What kills joy is anything connected with self, self centredness, obsession. One must have wisdom which allows you to be detached from ego. It seems so simple yet I know that I must continue to meditate to reach this state, to gain this wisdom.
Thank you so much for this!!! I really needed to see and read this today. I feel just awesome and want to sing at the top of my lungs like nobody is listening!!!
“So many things we have to learn”… how to give joy how to make others happy and then have that joy come back to you like a river 10,000 fold.
“When you feel Joy you do not want to be harmfull” This is the answer for Peace. It is simple just spread Joy which is already within us. Some work needs to be done spread the Joy!
Thank you Shri Mataji!
Just reading the articles filled me with joy. Thank you for sharing them.
Thanx fr this mail. It is really amazing n true That nobody can make us Unhappy if v r completely connected wid the Divine. What makes us unhappy is getting attached wid ourself n others. So, for getting the Real Joy of Life Get connected wid the Power tht Created u.
Very interesting & instructive to read text like this and after Guru Puja, words from Shri Mataji like this:“nobody can make me unhappy”!
And when Joy is associated with Devotion & Surrender that conduct to Gurutattwa!
So much thanks for this sharing!
Stay blessed by Shri Mataji and so are all Sahaj Family!
thank you for this clarity. xo
“NOBODY CAN MAKE ME UNHAPPY” -Timely tonic from Ma.
For me it means one can “DECIDE” to be happy, irrespective of external pressures and problems. To be happy, no need to resolve all personal problems and issues; just be detached to all of them and “DECIDE” to be happy;very practical resolution.
I love what you say Chandra… it is so simple.
This article about joy giving was really excellent and will make us more joy giving when we make our mother joyful when we follow her principle because she herself is the spirit of the universe who is the omnipresent.
“… So this love which is joy… when this love melts like a river…” so beautiful and uplifting!
Thank you Iona to post this: it makes me think of my daughter, Nicki’s song: OCEAN
This article reminds me of my favourite words from Letter to Corinthians in (Catholic) Church which I attended many years ago.
However, it always bothered me that the institution had been complicit and committed horrible crimes, which interfered with my enjoyment, as I had always believed that there is one God so how can there be hatred and wars between Christians, Muslims, Jews etc.
Thank you Shri Mataji for integrating this sacred knowledge about God within us.
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This is an amazing article which I came through in 2023,what a divine coincidence that in this talk mother asked to change the name of meditation into Joy giving association ,which came true with the efforts of Halton collectivity,with their beautiful programmes of 100,seeds of joy.As mother always said in every talk that the trueself of Spirit is joy, it is the eternal light which grow when you lit the others Spirit.Thanks Ioana for your efforts.Jai Shri Matajis
This is an amazing article which I came through in 2023,what a divine coincidence that in this talk mother asked to change the name of meditation into Joy giving association ,which came true with the efforts of Halton collectivity,with their beautiful programmes of 100,seeds of joy.As mother always said in every talk that the trueself of Spirit is joy, it is the eternal light which grow when you lit the others Spirit.Thanks Ioana for your efforts.Jai Shri Matajis