Enjoy and Reflect on Irina’s testimonial: A Medical Doctor’s Wholistic Confession
“I had the joy and the honor to encounter Sahaja Yoga when I was a student at the University of Medicine, in 2009. I needed so much to experience and stabilize within myself a peaceful silence! Sahaj meditation made that possible for me in a natural and easy way.”
“The quality of my sleep improved in the first week of meditation, and my capacity to concentrate and Detach from the mental stimuli improved gradually in the weeks that followed. “
“My profession allowed me to study the benefits of mental silence on the health of the body and the psyche and helped me in understanding the human nature in depth.”

“But the Greatest Gift I receive in this inner journey is to Discover my True Nature and have a deep respect for it.”
“I wish You all the same!”
Irina Alexandru, 36 years, medical doctor

Explore a few Sahaja Yoga Articles on Health and Well-being
(click!) We received Feedback from Halton’s Youth Conference on Mental Wellness
(click!) Check the Mental Wellness Marathon in Ontario School with Sahaja Yoga Meditation Volunteers!! Photo-REPORT and “Thank You Letter” to SYM and UK Artist Tim Bruce
(click!) Complex Challenges faced by Students, Teachers and Parents – Mental Health Workshop for School Council **Thank you Letter and Photos
(click!) Appreciation Letter from BARRIE’s Canadian Mental Health Association for “Morning Inner Peace Workshop with Sahaja Yoga Meditation”
What is Sahaja Yoga Meditation and How to Meditate – Discover in this 21 minutes VIDEO
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Reminder: make sure take a look to all four articles provided above and do no miss the video!
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It’s about becoming part and parcel of the whole of creation and to feel powerful universal force of yoga connection with an open heart and mind ,without doubt, feel the flow coursing through our divine selves, feeling pure love for all humanity.
Irina your words and your initiatives from a medical field perspective are such a powerful testimonial. So many in the medical profession can benefit and pass on the profound knowledge and gift that sahaja yoga is to the health and well being of patients, colleagues and humanity. It is the pure and ancient knowledge that is passed around, like one enlightened candle lighting another. It is a profound experience to know one’s higher self, to trust that we can be better, do better and that life balance and joy are attainable.
It starts with just a spark as it did for me…5 minutes in class changed my entire life and set me on a new course of discovering my higher self.
I can feel your vibrations in your words, in your image and Shri Mataji’s wisdom of the ages. World peace starts with realization of the self..and then we continue our journeys and help people onto that boat towards a path of joy through actual yoga connection. And can you believe it starts with self realization as the ignition point?
Thank you for sharing your beautiful journey Irina! At such a young age you had the wisdom to seek within, that’s remarkable in these modern times. Wouldn’t it be nice if all medical professionals had this inner knowledge? That’s the first thought came in my mind. But that goes to every profession, every individual!
Wow, Irina it’s indeed great pleasure to go through your wonderful experience of spiritual journey and here we heartily wish that others like you pursuing medical profession get their dormant power awakened!
Ooo my dear Irina! I love her!!❤️.. many years ago, when she was medicine student, we were colleagues at a medical company. She came to my office one day and after I played a little in her hair she asked me:” who are you? How come when your hands are in my hair I get shivers down my spine? How is it possible that no matter how tired or angry I come to the office, when you start talking to me everything goes away?” And I told her there was an explanation, we talked about Kundalini, Sahaja Yoga and she received with joy the Self Realization and that’s how Sahaja yoga started for her☺️… such a beautiful memories!