Meditation Helps Children and Improves their Behavior — Thank You from Community Developer for Sahaja Yoga Meditation “Cool Kids” Workshop @ Burlington After-school programs

Enjoy the ‘proof’ that Meditation Helps Children and Improves their Behavior. Last week we’ve been invited to teach how to meditate a group of children from an after-school program here in Halton.

Our volunteer instructors (Kathleen, Paula and Ioana)  from “Cool Kids and Parents” Burlington Classes went and connected to the kids with the help of their regular teachers. We actually realized the “impossible” — children had several longer moments of inner silence, besides the usual “learn & play” fun with our sessions.

We were all for a special treat!! Children LOVED to meditate and afterwards during our “help out the sap in the tree” exercise, they showered each other and us with pure love and friendship and the most beautiful sweet positive good wishes.

The feedback we receive for our sahaja yoga meditation sessions is always very important to us. It is always re-assuring to have such examples proving that meditation helps children and improves their behavior. This touching email received from the organizer of this event, had both reinforced our wonderful experience there, as well our heartfelt community involvement:

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Anjali

    This is so beautiful. So happy for the children ..this is what they need. This amazing sahaja yoga mediation can transform these kids into beautiful flowers full of joy.

  2. Cheryl

    I went thoughtless and feel Kundalini on my head just reading this article. Thanks for sharing in so many ways.

  3. Maria

    This is so amazing, a true blessing 🙂

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