Absorb the wisdom from the video – The Beauty and Power of Being Collective (reflected by this photo received from China)..then Check the links below!! A teacher talks about the benefits of meditation and plays the flute for meditation at Eco-Festival
(#1) Overcome Overthinking, Over Activity and Anger by Mastering the Second Chakra Swadhisthana
(#2) Aum, Ham & Ksham – “The Mantras for Fearful or Aggressive Minds” with Chakra’s Evolutionary Theory from Ganesha to Jesus (video) Teacher Plays Flute & Talks about The Benefits of Meditation
Beautiful! no words to express this! Simply beautiful. Each extract of Mother’s talk is an eye opener ? Jai Shree Mataji.
Anger is virtual and is an expression of Ego while compassion is core substance of a being.