Meditate with the Canadian Fall and Hugging Trees?! Who says Teenagers Students are not into it? Meditation Helps!

Sahaja Yoga Meditationa Vibrant Presence in the Canadian Conservation Areas

Our Workshops are tailored for Outdoors Meditation 

Impressions from participants (students grade 6 and 7 from Halton schools)

  • I felt calm, peaceful, relaxed and happy
  • I felt calm
  • I felt a force
  • I felt awesome
  • I got the chills / felt warmer /felt tingle, LOVE
  • I felt tingling and pulling in my hand
  • I felt like cool air above the head then going down
  • I felt thoughtless in a long time, peaceful
  • I could stay without thoughts, felt the breeze 
  • I felt like all worries went out

Our Volunteer Instructors are Sahaja Yogis

Halton – Sahaja Yoga Meditation volunteers (Kathleen, Ioana and Paula) enjoyed the 1st Day of the Halton Forest Festival; They were not the only one 🙂

The Notes collected from some of the participants (students grade 6 and 7 from various Schools from Halton region) are a true testimonial that teenagers can meditate and even enjoy it! Many of them tried to feel the trees, touching them or even hugging them .. and some really meant it! 🙂

We felt so grateful for Being in this Silent space – Vibrant and majestic!(click!) Thanksgiving with Sahaj & Native Indian Prayers -The Wind & The People connected to Kundalini

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Kruti

    Simply Amazing. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Sahaj

    Vibrant pictures; very honest impressions by the participants.



  4. Heen

    Vibrant colours and energy.
    Can feel the wonderful sensations.
    Great blessings to all who participated!

  5. Shivangi

    This is awesome – Meditation in beautiful Mother nature! One can easily experience instant connection with Mother energy inside and out 🙂

    1. Isabelle

      Yes. Yes. Yes. Amen

  6. Sabine Degenhardt

    Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful experiences.
    May God bless you.

    Hugs and love,


  7. Kavita

    Beautiful venue. Perfect for meditation, peace and opportunity to go inwards and be in present. Feel vibrations and happiness going through this post. Thank you! for Sharing this togetherness and positivity. ❤️

  8. Paula

    Made me smile knowing that others can feel the beginnings of the energy within too. Sparked hearts, united!

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