From A Bandhan for Self- Realization on International Inner Peace Day
On March 21 2015 a small team had been to London, Ontario at Western University to participate to the Students’ 1st Research Conference;Ana-Bianca was one of the student presenters, and she invited also her younger sister yogini, Shulin Zhang from Burlington’s “Life De-Stress for Youth with Sahaja Yoga Meditation“.
At the conference, we had the great opportunity to meet Dr. Brad Bass, 2007’s Canadian Nobel laureate. Next to the conference there was a pow-wow hosted by the university where we had initiated few discussions heart to heart with students and educators that introduced us to various Indigenous Peoples. That day we had encountered amazing people and there was a lot to learn.
In between the various “next to attend session”, we took few moments for a short meditation and we did a bandhan – sent a messages from our hearts to the core of the universe – for Native Indian people that are hurt to find inner peace with sahaja yoga meditation and for healing within the nations to starts, individually and globally, especially for the young generations.
We forgot to mention: March 21st is considered to be in many places as the Inner Peace Day, triggered by the birthday of the founder of sahaja yoga meditation – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
In fact, our innocent spontaneous prayer had not only reached the Creator, but it was answered, had been generously supported and it had been realized in a most spectacular creative way – within one year.
On March 21 2016, I have the honor to offer a sahaja yoga meditation session at Native Women’s Resource Centre in Toronto on behalf of my new yogini sister, Phyllis McKenna with whom we’ve started weekly classes at this location. Phyllis had started to learn about and practice sahaja yoga meditation since March 21 2015. Within one year her life blossomed and now she can teach and pass this beautiful wellness and knowledge of self realization on to peers from Aboriginal Peoples’ community.
This past year, same youth Shulin, had the opportunity to launch or co-organize many inner peace sessions for students and for youth in general, and she was nominated by dr Brad Bass – with whom she remained in contact since March 21, 2015 – as a Global Teen Leader 2016. And yes, she was selected by the reputed “We are family” organization to be one of the 30 Global Leaders 2016, being invited to participate to the Just Peace summit in New York earlier this March.
Just a day earlier, I receive a snapshot from Ana-Bianca, sent from the Western Students’ 2nd Research Conference, where she had seen on the large panel — the photograph of Shulin, from her last year’s participation as a visitor. What are the odds?!
It was like Ana-Bianca passed the torch as as former teen Ambassador from UNESCO Centre for Peace, to Shulin. In one year our team of volunteers from Sahaja Yoga meditation brought inner peace workshops on New Credit Native Indian reserve, Anduhyaun Aborginal Shelter for women, and NSWRC in Toronto. This year we’ve launched the initiative:
What an incredible journey! Today, on March 21st, we thank to the source of our inspiration, our motherly spiritual teacher: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
We honor Shri Mataji — who said “My guru is Mother Earth” with powerful Native Indian music that resounds with Mother Earth’s vibrations passed on to us by the People of Earth’s mothers and sisters, shared below – Feel and Resonate!
Ulali Project Idle No More
By Cary Morin and Pura Fé ~ Performed by the Ulali
We walk through the light…
with our brothers and sisters…
we stand and fight.
With a drum, a song, a prayer,
this change of time.This is the truth reckoning,
the Human Awakening…
together Brothers and Sisters
Idle No MoreThe people come by the hundreds…
Sing and Dance the streets of shopping malls…
to the Capitols…corporations and City Halls.
All over this Turtle Island…
our presence will break the silence,
together Brothers and Sisters
Idle No More
(click!) Where is Kundalini Rising First?! Indigenous Peoples’ Seeking & Primordial Taboos in Chakras
(click!) My Native Indian Weekend – Lesson from 3 Vultures sharing Same Branch
(click!) Photos from International Meditation Retreat/Seminar on Native Indian Land (Canajoharie,USA)
(click!) Sahaj & Native Indian Prayers –The Wind & The People connected to Kundalini
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Wow, so beautiful to see everything come full circle in this way. Bandhans done with pure intent truly are answered and it’s always amazing to see the results.
The music is amazing as well, such cool vibrations and so strong, I love it. 🙂
This is just superb news. So proud of Phyllis MCKenna for taking the initiative to lead the classes. The music and the lyrics provided on this page are so deep and uplifting. Loved it.Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much for all your kind words. I have to give full credit to the Great Divine. Without Shri Mataji I would not have been exposed to many special small miracles. The Family I have come to love with all my heart has made my son and I become our best. I cannot help but to share this wonderful state of being. Sahaja Yoga has given me so much relief to know that something bigger is taking care of everything and everyone.
Recently I was able to drum and sing with Pura Fe at Native Womens Resource Centre Toronto. She is such a pure spirit with a true love for her calling. She took the time to talk and share her knowledge of singing to the Women of the centre.
Dear Phyllis, please let me know when Pura Fe is back in Toronto .. would love to join you .. and we are missing you and Daniel.. lots.
Incredible, strong, peaceful, women, beautiful women that are changing the world with their strong, powerful voices…So proud of all of you…I feel so strong the messages shared here, the victories, and the powerful music, many of us connecting with enlightened souls, our brothers and sisters, to realize awareness in nations and also to work together towards achieving inner peace so that outer peace can manifest.
Pingback: Is Meditation for YOUTH?! ThreeDotDash’s ANSWER IS… WATCH VIDEO + DIPLOMAS (“Just Peace” Summit, NEW YORK) | Sahaja Yoga Halton
Wow, what an incredible story! Thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful article about the native people ,their music and the bond they have with mother earth and the whole cosmos.