Let’s enjoy this bouquet of video-clips from the amazing “RAIN to heal ME Mother Earth” Public Program offered in March 2016 in Burlington under the title “Waltz with the Dolphins for ME Mother Earth”. You might get bubbles of joy and inspiration! That’s how we felt!
(video#1) Ioana’s Intro to Inspirational Women – Special March Days – Connections
(video#2) Global Teen Leader 2016 and Youth Volunteer for Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Shulin Zhang – Receives Certificate from Karina Gould, Liberal MP for Burlington (ON,Canada)
(video#3) Everyone is Dancing for the Purim Celebration
(video#2 ) Powerful Introduction to Our Roots from Shri Mataji
Our Special Guests
Our event had been honored by a representative of the Canadian Government, in the presence of Karina Gould, Liberal MP for Burlington (ON, Canada), as well by a representative of the City of Burlington, in the presence of Ward 2 Councillor, Marianne Meed Ward. They both answered our invitation on a short notice, and we are most grateful for their time and support shown as women in power, using the power invested in them by the people, for the people; showing support to young women volunteers such as Shulin Zhang and to events that celebrate Women, Diversity, Multiculturalism, Peace and Love – such as “Waltz with the Dolphins for ME -> Mother Earth” was offered by Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation charity.
(VIDEO) Teen sahaja yogini Receives Certificate from Government of Canada
Phyllis McKenna and Daniel from Toronto Ojibway Nation (& Sahaja Yogis from Halton)
(video#5) Ojibway Mother and Son share “Strong Woman” Song
Thank you to ALL our Volunteers from Ontario (Halton and beyond), that helped realize this event. Also to our wonderful photographers and to all Cool Kids! Check the link with more photos!

May you all be blessed in your work to bring Mother’s healing to Canada and to Her indigenous children and congratulations to Shulin receiving this award and connecting with like minded souls who are in politics..it is true what was said “you are already leaders”.Love to you all from the Land of Shri Ganesha on this auspicious day celebrating the day that The Goddess took birth on Mother Earth