Meditate on the Global Family and Women as Goddesses

Let’s Meditate on the Global Family and Realize that Women can be as Goddesses

Everyone would like to live the reality of a Global Family that provides safety, love and support in a multitude of ways. This is an invite to meditate on this theme. Even more, we can expand our emotional inteligence by realizing that we as a society can understand the role of women as creators of universes – therefore they can earn the Goddesses status. 🙂 Enjoy!

What is Valentine’s  Day and Family Day’s BEST GIFT to Your Self & Women’s Spirit?!

Painting realized by sahaja yogis from Ontaro - used as a backdrop for a free public event

This article is sharing subtle knowledge and wisdom via a compilation of quotes from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

It also provides a more meaningful answer to the question: ” What should be the Valentine’s Day and Family Day’s BEST Gifts for your Self and for Women’s Spirit?”

 Show Love to Women as Goddesses and Creators of Universes 

Painting realized by sahaja yogis from Ontario –  backdrop for a free public event in Burlington

Shri Mataji: “For a person who is a yogi, the Whole World is his own Family.”

2000-29-10, Los Angeles, USA — Talk on Diwali Celebration (Global Family, Woman as Gruha Lakshmi and Goddess, The Real Bank Balance)

“What happened to the family system? What has happened? Why the family got ruined? Because of the wrong ideas about Lakshmi principle…So what is the problem? That human beings don’t have enlightenment. And if they get money, and if they are hankering after things, they have to go to hell, no doubt about it – and do all kinds of things, which was ‘never’ done in the history of this world. I need not tell you all the absurd nonsensical things they do. Then started a negative force of drug, drinking and all kinds of things. I mean, such blindness, such stupidity, that you can’t understand. As if their brains were completely curtailed by the activity of moneymaking. I have seen people choosing their suits and clothes that, when they will die, what they are going to wear. It sounds funny. Even, their dog dies, they make such elaborate arrangements. They choose even their coffin, which one they would like to use for burial.. Gruha Lakshmi means the family. .. But the real bank balance of a Gruha Lakshmi is her family and her children. ..

Women don’t understand that their greatest capacity is to love. How is it that Lakshmi?! is a woman and all the Goddesses are women! And what is the quality of these Goddesses?! is to bestow blessings on people of their own nature, of their own qualities.. When you make a good family, then you create a beautiful, a very beautiful, universe around. And universes after universes like this can create a beautiful universe in the whole world. There is nothing to sacrifice, but to ‘enjoy’ everything. As I said, you enjoy your hospitality, you enjoy your generosity –which you do not feel is a misery or a trouble to you—but you just enjoy. At least I enjoy. If I can give something to someone, that’s the greatest blessing. So, to create a proper home for your children is a very great work today, and it has to be done. Again there selfishness comes. Human beings have so many, such hurdles in life, because, I don’t know why, .. they will only love their own children, they will only love their own husbands, or they will love only their own wives. This doesn’t create a good family. I am talking about the global family.

Confucius: “To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.”

Richard Bach: “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.”

Kahlil Gibran: “The universe is my country and the human family is my tribe.”

Lao Tzu: “In family life, be completely present.”

Remember – Pray for Peace and  Support Justice for Women and Families that Suffer – 11th Strawberry Ceremony with Elder Wanda Whitebird

Feb 14, 2016 @ 12:30 at Police Headquarters, 40 College Street at Bay, Toronto (everyone is welcome to join)


Native Indian’s Proverbs on Family

“With all things and in all things, we are relatives.” (Sioux)

“Think not forever of yourselves, O chiefs, nor of your own generation. Think of continuing generations of our families, think of our grandchildren and of those yet unborn, whose faces are coming from beneath the ground.” (Peacemaker, Founder of the Iroquois Confederacy -circa 1000 AD)

African Proverbs on Family

People in Light - Axinia

If I am in harmony with my family, that’s success. ~ Ute proverb
A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place. ~ African Proverb
If relatives help each other, what evil can hurt them? ~ African proverb
He who earns calamity, eats it with his family. ~ African proverb
The old woman looks after the child to grow its teeth and the young one in turn looks after the old woman when she loses her teeth. ~ Akan (Ghana, Ivory Coast) proverb
When brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their father’s estate. ~ Ibo proverb

(click!) The Family Day – A Meditation on Emotional Intelligence and Chakras Principles

(click!) The Wife as Goddess & The Spleen’s Importance for Chakra System & Peace, Respect, Nutrition & Light

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. paula

    I will be there to support,respect and offer pure love and stand by aboriginal people as we are all One.thank you for this opportunity to show love for them, all of Canada is with you.

    1. Phyllis

      I hope that some of my family yogini’s can make it Dress warm it will be cool. If you cannot make it please meditate and send love and light to these precious spirits we miss our sisters deeply…
      Miigwetch (Thank you)!

      1. Ioana

        Dear Phyllis at least 3 of us from Burlington decided yesterday to come: Paula, Shulin and myself. Many will meditate and have their attention on the event , will pray for peace of the hurting souls and of their relatives, as well for justice — even yogis from USA and further away.

  2. Doris Mendez


  3. Arie/Adrian

    May we…
    Be reminded…
    of Our
    Creative origin…
    to Exist
    As Sisters and Brothers.

    Happy Valentines Day

  4. NITI

    Love this beautiful article about the women role in making a great society, and the true meaning of global family,like all the proverbs of native and African people.Thanks to bring this precious article for all of us.

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