Calin Costian (USA) – Centre for Evolutionary Learning (CEL)
Our American special guest will arrive to Toronto, on Fri, Jan 29, around midnight, after a straight flight from Texas, USA. On Saturday he will be in Burlington at the 1st Public Program in Ontario in 2016 that is connected to CPO21 Climate Change Conference – Paris, 2015. He is booked for interviews and had been and invited at several yoga gatherings during his stay in Burlington, before flying back home, same weekend on Sunday.
Calin will be speaking about The Role Enlightened Corporations Can Play In Climate Change.
From the alarm signals scientists have been warning us about for a long time to the COP21, climate change is real. Happening here, now.
Corporations are intricately linked with our society and the environment. “Green” and “sustainable” have become buzzwords every corporation seeks to attach to its name.
But do they truly reflect a change in the behaviors of an organization that positively impact our planet? What does it take to change the DNA of an organization?
Calin will be presenting a few key aspects of the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of this singular transformation of human consciousness based on his first-hand experience over the past decades.
Phyllis McKenna (Toronto) – Anishnawbe Self-Help Author
Our Canadian Special Guest is Phyllis McKenna who will be joining the Free Public Program in Burlington on Sat, Jan 30 (2pm-4pm) with her son Daniel who is 13. Daniel also has a important role to play, contributing to the Penguins’ Hip-Hop Dance and other surprises offered during the same event.
Phyllis McKenna attends Ryerson University for Indigenous Studies. She is also one of our sahaja yoginis deeply involved in the “Raise Awareness in Nations TO HEAL Mother Earth – RAIN to heal ME” initiative.
Phyllis, as a First Nation woman, mother, and sahaja yogini, will bring to our January 30 Burlington Event – “The March of the Penguins for Mother Earth” – the Blessings of the Roots of the Canadian Maple Tree: sharing connections with January’s Moon Spirit and The Water, Mother Earth’s Bloodline.
Last December Phyllis was the story teller for Department of Indigenous Northern Affairs Canada during the teleconference for the National Day of Remembrance and action on violence against women (Dec 6th) .
She has won 4th place with the Ve’ahavta and Toronto Writers Collective, Creative Writing Contest with the short story called A Reflection of An Eagle and An Anishnawbe Kwe’s Healing Journey. She is also in the process of writing her first book called The Red Road Kwe: My Journey from Chaos to self-discovery.
Phyllis has spoken at Native Women’s Resource Centre and YMCA Toronto, on creative writing and women’s empowerment. Soon she will be introducing Sahaja Meditation to the Native Women’s Centre.
She has initiated a Resident fundraiser for Anduhyaun a shelter for abused native women. At the same centre she came in contact with sahaja yoga meditation volunteers, who led bi-weekly classes in 2015 for the Anduhyaun‘s residents.
Phyllis has dedicated her time to numerous Indigenous organizations to assist and promote healing of Indigenous women and communities.
Now that you had ‘met’ our two special guests, we hope to see you at the following program that offers much more! Come, Bring Family & Friends!
(#1 CLICK) What Students + Teachers Say about SYM Workshops with Live Music?
This is an event so compelling, so relevant, we cannot afford to pass it by. The time is now. I am so interested in listening to hear what the CEL president has shared to evolve mankind through corporate awakenings of our connection to nature and to each other. I am especially interested to hear Phyllis McKenna speak about Mother Earth and the long-known connections that aboriginals can teach us about this wonderful relationship that is an actual,palpable energy. Let’s come together, right now, and show we care. It is a very special time to be in. Let’s all awaken and attend what might be the most important kick-off program in our community that will spread everywhere and benefit everyone who chooses to listen with an open heart. The vibrations emitting from this article are amazing.
I had a wonderful afternoon with my fellow Sahaja Yoginis. Thank you for allowing me to share some Indigenous knowledge on Mother Earth and Water. The atmosphere was so engaging and wonderful. I look forward to seeing you all again!
Miigwetch (Thank You)
Amazing afternoon with my Sahaja Family…the room & atmosphere was filled with wonderful vibrations.
The Penguin dance with the children was lovely to watch and to see the joy on their faces.
The guest speakers opened our minds to ‘mother earth’ and how we can help to sustain her.
Thanks to all that participated and helped to put this together for us to enjoy. xoxo
Pingback: (#1) Clips & Photos: “The March of the Penguins for Mother Earth” – JANUARY 2016 “R.A.I.N to heal M.E.” in Burlington | Sahaja Yoga Halton
There is a wonderful article I wrote you can view it
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