Students from Gary Allan School’s “Step Program” BENEFIT from Sahaja Yoga Meditation WORKSHOP
We are sharing the Teacher’s Thank You Letter for the “Inner Peace with Music and Sahaja Yoga Meditation” workshop offered by Tim Bruce (UK) and Ioana Popa (Burlington) for the Gary Allan School’s “Step Program”
Enjoy the Thank You Letter we received from the STEP Program’s hosting Teacher at Gary Allan High School in Oakville, Halton region of Ontario, Canada
We were invited by Rebecca – teacher at Gary Allan Oakville high-school – to come and offer a meditation workshop for the students in STEP program. Ioana from Sahaja Yoga Meditation Halton volunteer group, had teamed up with Tim Bruce, actor and singer from UK, on his very last visit day in Burlington. We already know from our previous programs offered across the Halton and Niagara regions, that youth are responding very well to our workshops catered towards one’s inner peace, self-realization and de-stress.
Enjoy a Bouquet with Words of Wisdom on Peace from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation
“The first and foremost thing, the essence of that, is peace. The peace has to be within, to begin with. You have to be peaceful within yourself. If you are not peaceful, if you are playing tricks with your ego, if you are just satisfying yourself, saying that you are peaceful, you are sadly mistaken. Peace is to be enjoyed within yourself. It is to be felt within yourself. So do not give wrong satisfactions to yourself. Do not give false notions to yourself. Don’t cheat yourself.”“Peace has to be felt within yourself and if you are not feeling that, you shouldn’t come and ask me,‘Mother, why am I not feeling it?’because I am not going to tell you that something is wrong with you.”“You have to work it out that you should feel peaceful within yourself.It is not that (if) you have too much of silence outside, you feel peaceful. The peace has to be within yourself.You have it. Your spirit is absolutely peaceful, ‘avyagra’, – without restlessness.There’s no restlessness in your spirit, absolutely peaceful and steady.It is for you to feel it. It is not for anybody else to certify you…Only the peace within can register whatever is auspicious, whatever is nourishing for your growth.So try to make peace with yourself. Do not fight with yourself… “Shri Mataji – founder of sahaja yoga meditation (excerpt from a 1985 discourse)
The Mayor of Burlington and ‘Sahaja Yoga Meditation for Youth‘ Workshops (2015)
Especially in 2015 we had reached out to thousands of students from schools, high-school, universities .. even to kindergarten students 🙂 across Halton and beyond with our volunteer group from Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network, based in Burlington and Oakville. Also, the year 2015 was very special as we were fortunate to have Tim Bruce’s help in opening hearts and minds with high quality, live performances of and poetry based on selected art pieces created by enlightened souls. Therefore our workshops are ideal for students, presenting a holistic approach, where culture is a key note.
(#1 CLICK) What Students + Teachers Say about SYMN Workshops with Live Music?
Always very dynamic! It is the small streams which eventually turn into big rivers as there are many streams joining in: this is a bit what I feel about what is happening in Halton, Canada!
With all best wishes also for a very joyous Christmas and blessed new year!
Antoinette (Amruta) UK