Tim Bruce – actor and singer visiting Burlington from UK in September – was invited by sahaja yoga meditation -Halton volunteers to come and actively participate with music performances to Canada Culture Days events offered in Burlington by our charity organization. Word spread out, and Tim Bruce ended up being invited to schools in Ontario to offer workshops that combined both vocal training and introduction to the benefits of sahaja yoga meditation. Tim was provided with valuable feedback responses from grade 12 students from Aldershot high-school, gathered below.

1- Thank you for taking the time to talk to us, to help us in a new way.
2- Thank you for your time, was very inspiring.
3- Thanks for helping me calm down before getting my test.
4- Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us! Very inspiring!
5- Thanks for everything! I try to do this more often!
6- Thank you for sharing with us.
TEACHER: I thank you on behalf of my grade 12 students and myself. We truly appreciate you coming here and share your outstanding talent with us!
a) Did you find the session valuable personally?
b) Did you learn something new?
c) Will you try to incorporate meditation into your daily life?
1- It was definitely different. I did enjoy the session. I may try to incorporate it into my daily life.
2- It really relaxed me. I really liked the techniques he demonstrated to the class to help with stress. It really opened my mind to meditation and that it can be a helpful tool to feeling tranquil.
3- I found the session to be valuable. I did learn something new, I had never meditated before. I do not think I would incorporate it into daily life, but maybe weekly or monthly, whenever I have time.
4- My life is quite crazy in work and school, so meditation may be a way to deal with that stuff a bit better.
5- Yes, I found the session valuable. It is important to relieve yourself of stress every now and then. Meditation is a great way to find yourself and be calm. I already incorporate meditation into my daily life. Every morning when I wake up I do twenty minutes of yoga and a small amount of meditation.
6- I found the session valuable. I did learn something new. I’m not sure yet, although I have been thinking about it. It was interesting to experience.
7- Not really, but I do see the value in it. The first meditation relaxed me.
8- I am going to do more meditation, but I will need to make time. It felt really good.
9- I did find the session valuable due to getting stressed out a lot. It was very calming and interesting because I had no idea there was so much more to it, not just closing your eyes and humming.
10- I found the session very interesting and it gave me some things to think about, such as finding my centre of focus before playing an instrument or to help me write a song. This type of meditation I’d never seen before, so I found it very interesting. I’m probably not going to start meditating every day because I don’t think I have enough time, but I will use the techniques if I’m feeling overly stressed one day, or if I need to find my focus.
11- I found the session very interesting and gave me a new perspective on ways to handle stress and anxiety. To handle my own anxiety, I see myself trying this in the future. It also helped to understand ways to feel less stress and more care free by living more in the moment. I found the session to be a valuable experience personally.
12- Some I found it helpful. I will try when I’m stressed and need to calm down.
13- I found a new way to meditate anywhere. I’m sure I’ll keep this method in mind whenever I need to relax quickly.
14- I found this session quite valuable, and I also learned of a new type of meditation. I will try to incorporate this meditation into my everyday life.
15- Yes, I had a good time learning about meditation, it made me open to find out who I am. I learnt that meditation is when you attempt to have a peaceful self awareness with your surroundings. I will try to incorporate meditation in my life, as it is important to try to stay centred with yourself daily. The experience was eye-opening and I hope to see more of Tim Bruce’s teachings in the future.
16- I found the session valuable and interesting because I learned something new. I think it was cool to see and learn what meditation really looks and feels like.
17- I thought that what you had to say was wonderful and I feel as every young student should listen to what you have to say.
18- I really enjoyed this session and I think that it really benefitted me. Personally, I get a lot of performance anxiety and I really enjoyed hearing Tim discuss the topic in relation to meditation. I am definitely now going to try meditation and incorporate it daily.
1- Nice sound of the harp – relaxing. Interesting voice exercising with the different pitches in different parts of the body. Fun, fun fun!
2- I liked the noise making (vocal). It was fun.
3- Relaxing when we started the meditation. Hard to focus after a few distractions. after doing the sound exercise, it helped me understand. Overall it was a different experience, but I enjoyed it.
Thank you Card from English Class Teacher

(One More Appreciation Letter + Photos) Tim Bruce brings Poetry, Music and Meditation @ Burlington High-school
So sweet! It’s amazing to see that some of the students really took it to heart and honestly enjoyed the sessions. Meditation is such a benefit to students especially, I hope they do try to meditate on their own at home and when they feel stressed.
It’s amazing what Tim brought to our little corner of the world, enlightening so many minds about the amazing benefits of meditation. I’m so grateful he was able to spend some time here with us and to help spread that light to those we may have not been able to reach otherwise!
Wishing that one day all students could have this amazing experience!
It seems that Tim’s meditation techniques were an inspiration for students and teachers alike. Many thanks to him for making this all too brief visit to our country.
So wonderful that these students received real meditative experience from such an accomplished gentlman who came all the way from UK and donated his time, shared his knowledge so freely and generously. i’m sure many of these students will succeed in making their way through their lives by going inside themselves to find direction/answers, thanks to this event.
Many thanks to Tim for taking the time to come all the way from the UK…enlightening everyone with his amazing voice & music. It was beautiful to take in all the performers on Culture Days in Burlington.
How wonderful to hear that the students & teachers were able to be open minded and experience the peace & joy with meditation.
Thanks for sharing these articles…great vibrations!!!!
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