Samantha from the Youth Class is answering few questions, one of them being: “What Sahaja Yoga Meditation did for me?” Get to know Sam and her journey with Sahaja Yoga meditation through this 5 min video interview with her friend Shulin. Everything happened during our Sahaja Christmas Party @ Baxter’s in Burlington. Enjoy!
(video #1 ) Testimonial about “How Family should be”
(video #2) Samantha’s Yogi Friends: WATCH Declarations on STAGE
This was Shulin’s first interview at Halton Sahaj Christmas Party as part of our Youth Meditation Classes’ final collective project. Let us know if you’ve enjoyed it and what you want to say to Samantha and to her young yogi friends you’ve met in the 4 (not to be missed!) video-articles above.
Amazing, very well said and explained. Thank you Sam.
Samantha’s experiences comes under ‘a giant leap for mankind’ category 🙂 May her transformation bring her more joy in the years to come!
Samantha’s confession woke up in my heart pure joy and great satisfaction! Indeed this interview can awaken the pure desire in other people to achieve Samantha’s transformation! It can attract them to achieve Self Realization! Thank you Samantha and Shulin!
Thanks Sam! Inspiring and palpable truth emanating from you. A joy to experience, thanks for sharing.