Shri Ganesha – COLLECTIVE ART Project @ Burlington Class (PHOTOS + CONNECTIONS) – Spreading the Innocence!

Floriana - Shri Ganesgha gift to Yogis from USA - CANAJOHARIE Shri Ganesha Puja 2014
Floriana from Burlington/Oakville classes created this Shri Ganesha (clay) statue as part of our “Shri Ganesha Week” project! It traveled already to USA as  “Canada’s present” to USA Family of yogis with the occasion of a Global meditation event hosted on the sacred Native land of Canajoharie this long weekend. Thank you Floriana!! You brought to life this symbol of Innocence! Same powerful vibrations can be felt from the hibiscus flower that Anca and Floriana had started painting it at Burlington class last week as part of Shri Ganesha project! Look how beautifully it decorated on Saturday the hall of the new centre in Ontario (photo below and more towards the end of the article).


Burlington Class - Sahaj ART Workshop
Snapshot from our collective artwork @ Burlington class last week: our target was to create about 50 Ganeshas (!)
Ganeshas on grass
Some of them were displayed on real grass 🙂 and on Saturday were gifted away to a representative from each sahaja yoga class in Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan provinces. More will be sent away in the months to come 🙂
family of sahaja yogis from Burlington-Oakville-Niagara classes
“The doers-makers of Shri Ganeshas” – representatives from our family of sahaja yogis from Burlington-Oakville-Niagara classes @ SEMINAR on Raksha Bandhan: Yogi Brother- Yogini Sister relationship” based on the innocence and purity emitted by the Root Chakra -> governed by Shri Ganesha principle




Shri Ganesha - created by Halton new sahaja yogis at Burlington class

Artwork at Burlington Class - Shri Ganeshas

Decorations - Meditation on Shri Ganesha with Ontario yogis

Shri Ganesha - clay statue for Ontario SY centre
This big statue made of clay by Kathleen and Sam from Halton classes -> was offered as a gift to the new Sahaja yoga centre in Ontario. It was not yet dry so we could not paint it properly but we decorated it with semi-precious stones from Niagara Falls, each stone was connected to an important quality of the root Chakra: meditation, master healer, prosperity, cleansing, self-esteem, motivation, perseverance, spirituality and Unconditional love!“. The statue emits wonderful cool vibrations!
Shri Ganesha Puja hall
This huge hibiscus flower was created by Anca and Floriana, both from Oakville and coming to our Halton sahaja yoga classes. That represented the central piece of the backdrop decorating the new centre’s hall where there was a celebration of the qualities/symbols of Shri Ganesha – Halton/Niagara group was the hosting party and we were blessed with lots of help from yogis across Ontario as well with amazing inspiration, a tremendous global meditation session, joyful chanting with music, laughter and socializing afterwards. Indeed we had felt that the principle of Shri Ganesha from within Mother Earth had answered our prayers! May Innocence, Purity, Wisdom, Joy and Humbleness join hands together and powerfully manifest in all Seekers of Truth from all around the World.

 We hope you’ve enjoyed the “story-telling” photos. One can learn more below.

Find out about the  Vishuddhi Chakra (click!)  and its connection to Shri Ganesha principle (that is the ruling essence for the Root/Mooladhara Chakr

 (click!) Article on Raki, Raksha Bandhan and Interesting Correlations with the Subtle System of Chakras

(click) GREAT OUTDOORS Fiesta with Latino and Indian Dance VIDEOS

Shri Ganesha - small

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. anjali

    such beautiful Ganeshas. thank you for sharing how it was all made possible. really enjoyed reading the article and the photos.
    Dear Floriana, hope to meet you soon. really impressive art work with vibrations. its a wonderful blessed beginning for you.

    1. Floriana

      Many thanks to all. My contribution was small for hibiscus painting – thank you to Anca for your beautiful work! We are all blessed to participate and contribute to such a beautiful celebration and I truly felt Ganesha’s guidance in the works we created. I look forward to meeting you too!

  2. Shulin

    Everyone from the class contributed and enjoyed so much the making of clay Shri Ganesha!
    Something amazing is that you can feel with you hands that the Shri Ganesha (and artworks too)made by people who had their Kundalini awakened has COOL breeze coming from them, from far! Even they were just made out of clay, but it carries the love and vibrations that has been put into them and can be expressed through them.

    1. Vivek

      One can feel the cool breeze from the photographs of those Ganeshas too, all the way here in India!! Great job!

  3. paula

    So many great vibrations and innocence being transmitted from the faces of budding yogis and yoginis and of course the sweet ganeshas produced…all I feel from these artful pieces and artists is the power of innocence that is our essence, that purifies and cures and restores us to our natural lustre. Everyone is glowing and contributing to preserving their own innocence which is the truth of our beings…

  4. mrs raj

    u had done a gr8 job ganesha u made full of vibrations n so cute jai shree mataji

  5. Shivangi and Nehit

    Chiming in late but must tell this: it was sooooo elevating for all of us present there. Wonderful art work and team work.

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