Enjoy Video Realized by grade 10 Student (Youth Meditation Program)
We are grateful to the most welcoming family of teachers and students from Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School that received our “Life De-Stress for Youth” team of volunteers with wide open hearts and minds. We have been offered generous support every step of the way. On top, the school presented us a Thank you Letter!
(VIDEO YOGI BOP) We are Living in Vibrations! We are Free of Limitations
(click!) Thank You Letter from Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School (!)
(click!) Thank you Letter from Georgetown Highschool
(click) Appreciation Letter from Niagara College Student Council for Free Meditation Services
(VIDEO) The World Inner Peace Day
(FEEDBACK-VIDEO) Burlington World’s Inner Peace Day Public Program
(click!) Bouquet of Wisdom on Women’s Real Powers
Hope you’ve really enjoyed the promising creativity and pure ideals manifested by some representatives of the young generation, featured on this page that is dedicated to The World Inner Peace Day, celebrated here, in Ontario as well in the world. We dedicate to all
students, staff and teachers from Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School the music -video “We are Free of Limitations“ performed by a group of students from Ontario who practice sahaja yoga meditation. Their video is still ‘fresh’, representing their tribute to the founder, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (21 March 1923 – 23 February 2014) whose birthday is celebrated same day with The World Inner Peace Day and the First Day of Spring, on March 21. Let us know if you’ve enjoyed the article.

Shulin, all of 16 years old, produced a monumentally vibrational film that chronicles the “experience” of receiving the “yoga” and documented beautifully people’s sincerely positive reactions. So proud of you Shulin for opening the doors and hearts of teachers and students to the lasting possibility to achieve inner and outer peace! Great vibes from that film and the hip hop video, with quite a few fearless, familiar faces also youths, rapping about yoga and wow, again tons of vibrations and love the song!!! Very inspiring!
WoouaOOO ! so much joy ! you are just professionnal of LOVE ! thank you so much for these 2 videos ; we wish you so many inner peace days , to you and all those you meet.
E intr-adevar bine si frumos realizat video-ul,programul vesel,tineresc,care aduce schimbarea in modul de prezentare traditonal.N-am mai vazut video-ul cu Shri Mataji care l-ati prezentat.Felcitari pentru toti care au contribuit la realizarea acestui eveniment.Marturiile sunt pline de sensibilitate.Felicitari si multumim pentru tot.
Amazing video and testimonials from the students!
Every school should be able to have such an experience.
Shulin! You are so inspirational to all of us, esspecially at your age! You are an example to all of us how passion for what you believe in will take you far and can move mountains. Keep up the amazing work Shulin, changing people’s lives for the better and helping them to find inner peace within themselves! 🙂 What an amazing seminar at the high school. I rememeber hearing as a student was leaving, they said “Wow I actually felt the cool breeze”. That is just phenomenal that the message is getting out there to connect with your inner being!
Love always,
Cherise <3 🙂
These Young People are so blessed. I wish i had this in my high school way back. I know how demanding teenage life can be with all the studies, expectations and emotional challenges. It’s amazing how meditation can help with calming down, better focus and feeling the joy at the same time. I am so proud of Shulin and the team!
Fiecare scoala ar trebui sa ia exemplu. M-am bucurat mult sa vad ca tinerii sunt atat de interesati si ma gandesc ca ei ar putea sa-i dea lumii o alta fata. Bravo!
that was a great job done by Shulin and members of the youth program. It was a real good feeling to see so many students getting their self realization and feeling the cool vibrations. Awesome .
Wow! I loved this inspiring video!! I’m so proud of Shulin, as she made all of this happen and inspired young students to start meditating! Well done to everyone who participated in this event! It’s so important for youth to meditate, and I’m sure this seminar encouraged them to do so and be more open-minded. All of the members of the Sahaja Yoga youth program are such leaders! Keep it up guys!! 😀
There is so much hope for the struggling youth if many many schools across the world can adapt to Sahaja Yoga Meditation for children as one of the requirements. Its an opportunity for children to discover their true selves and learn how to deal with the challenges in their lives. Great work Shulin. Its a beautiful start and we need to go further still.
Wow it’s great to see what the students and teachers thought of the meditation that was done there! I’m glad they enjoyed it so much and I hope we’re able to go back someday soon.
You’re really amazing for setting all this up and beyond, with all the amazing things you do for Sahaj and all the time you put into it, Shulin, you’re an absolutely incredible example and I’m so happy to be your sister and to be help you out and support however I can; whether it’s coming to these events, talking when you need it or otherwise! Love you sister! <3
P.S: Loove the living in vibrations video, I get amazing vibrations everytime I watch it, well done guys!
so sweet! Meditation program and the rap- music, so joy-giving! Thank You!!! Love to everybody! So great! <3
Great job Yuvas. Keep it up. Very Proud of you all.
Great Job yuvas
let us hope that these vibrations go to all schools