Ioana’s Story from Canajoharie 2013 with Photos and Wisdom Quotes

Enjoy this Collection of Photos, Quotes and Ioana’s Story from 2013 Canajoharie’s “Shri Adi Shakti” International Sahaja Yoga Meditation Retreat Seminar

Canjoharie field

Selection of Quotes of Wisdom from Shri Mataji

The photo above has a very special story. When we left Canajoharie in our cars, I’ve felt such a tremendous gratitude for the entire experience, not only for the days spent there but for the entire journey that led to it; it was spiritual and collective at the highest level. Therefore, I asked the yogis from our ‘Halton convoy’ if we can stop for a bit, while we are still in the nearby area, especially by the river with its waterfalls, because there we always felt such a special energy. Everyone agreed. We felt to thank to the Deities of that place, as we knew that Canajoharie is a sacred land for the Native Americans and they worshipped Mother Earth. Spontaneously we decided to Be that way, and as our Spiritual Mother is Shri Mataji who taught us to Be Sahaj and respect Mother Earth, we proceeded by bringing flowers from around and create a little altar, then we meditated right there, near a small photo of Shri Mataji. Each of us offered our thanks and prayed for the Seekers of the present times and for the souls that departed, we prayed for Unity and Self-Realization across all three Americas.

The above is the painting realized by an artist from Burlington, who recently joined our Halton Sahaja Yoga Collective after coming to the Burlington classes to get her self-realization and grow into sahaj. We felt that she was guided to create a modern representation of  Shri Adi Shakti – the Primordial Power.


Let’s absorb Shri Mataji’s words about the land of Canajoharie, saying how She selected this area for Sahaja Yoga:

“…I selected this place suddenly from a very thick newspaper, American newspaper. The vibrations were just shooting out and I said, “What is this, coming from where?” And there was a little advertisement, and I said, “This is the place where we have to go.” This place has so many vibrations, even in the advertisement.
So you can imagine how the guidance comes. It comes from vibrations, and that’s how .. this place was selected by the Divine force, and it happened only in one day. Such a miraculous thing to happen in one day! .. It all worked out, and we are now here in the most beautiful atmosphere….”

 (excerpt from the talk offered by Shri Mataji on the Primordial Power  / Adi Shakti in 1999, Canajoharie, USA)

 Photo Album  Shri Adi Shakti Seminar, June 2013

“…And then I went to this place, Canajoharie.. had such tremendous vibrations that I said, “Look at this. So many years have passed, still the people who lived there or walked about and were absolutely enjoying this place were .. American Indians.” But they are so simple and innocent and they were so, I think, spiritual people, because they used to worship the Mother; Mother, all the time they worshipped the Mother…”

(excerpt from the talk offered by Shri Mataji on Shri Ganesha principle in 1999, Cabella, Italy)

Halton’s Souvenirs for all Canajoharie’s guests

In the above photo one can notice the baskets that were decorated and  prepared near Canajoharie’s Vibrated Pond with so much love and joy by the Sahaja Yogis from the Halton  and Niagara regions of Canada. We recognize Holly from Burlington and Indu from Oakville, wanting to fill these baskets with the many handmade souvenirs prepared by their Halton Sahaja Family for the fellow participants to this Canajoharie seminar.

Let’s continue with my Story about this June 2013 Seminar at Canajoharie:

Imagine 1000+ yogis and yoginis coming with families and pets in a magic place, on a sacred Indigenous land, and spending about 4 days in peaceful and joyfully serene Togetherness, with open skies above and warmly comforted by the Green Sari of Mother Earth.

Days filled with “going deeper” meditation and chakra cleansing sessions, with live instrumental music that helped the intensity of the attention on selected chakras (energy centres), all meals were cooked and served with much love and pure vibrations by the hosting teams of yogis.

Great diversity in healthy yet delicious dishes served by fellow yogis (friends!) and it was such a joy to line up to the long queues where fascinating stories were shared and new friendships were spontaneously in the making.

Ah! the artistic evenings that lasted until the early dawn hours (3 AM, 3:30 AM) where we were mesmerized by the talents coming from all around the world.

So many kids and youngsters (or I should say angels) were themselves soothingly entertaining both the eyes and the hearts as they were safely running, walking, playing, laughing all around the camp.

Yes, we felt once again a Great (ideal!) Family that has an amazing and lasting positive impact on Mother Earth and Her Creation. Simply because we genuinely care, love and are aware of each other.

Even more, because we are connected to the Source (Adi Shakti Power) of this universe and we are able to further transmit and enable this connection in others. Namaste!

—  Ioana from Burlington, Halton region in Ontario, Canada

Essential Video from the Source about Canajoharie

Enjoy the Special Testimonials about Canajoharie coming from two Canadian Sahaja Yoginis 

(click!) The Land of Canajoharie (Cristina’s Experience)

(click!) Daiana’s Spiritual Experience at Canajoharie

If you wonder:

Who is Adi Shakti ?! What is the Primordial Power?!(VIDEOS, Testimonial, Prayer Poem)


This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Noreen

    So wonderful!!

  2. Colleen

    It was the most amazing experience ever!!!!! I feel like a different person now. The weekend with over 1000 yogis has transformed me. Canajoharie is a magical place!!! It is definitely blessed. Thank you so much to everyone that was there and everyone that was involved in making it a fantastic weekend!! Love to all.

  3. paula

    I have visited this sacred lands…the energy is palpable…you just want to absorb every moment and time slows down for you to feel the joy in the present. The waterfalls are absolutely magical and refreshing. The pictures are beautiful and I just feel peace and love pouring out. I can see how it changed everyone. This deeper place, these sacred lands, this earth can purify, can heal and can emit joy. Diving into the waters of the pond or waterfalls, and sharing this experience with a thousand people…this is a retreat that refreshes the spirit… what we are all seeking ultimately. We hear about so many “spa retreats” but nothing compares to these wonderful retreats which can even be experienced in a simply weekly class. It happened to me during a community class, and changed my life for the better, forever.

  4. Jennifer

    Great weekend! Many thanks to those who organized this weekend a job well done! Even the layout of prasad was so well done too! Again many many thanks for such a blessed weekend.

  5. Graciela Vázquez-Díaz

    Back home from Canajoharie, where we felt our Holy Mother’s love in that sacred land, surrounded by our dear Sahaja family.

    We thank, especially our brothers and sisters from Canada and USA, who did a marvelous work to make us all feel at home.JSM!!!

    1. Johan

      Hello Graciella,
      Excited to see your name appear. Would love to hear more about you and about Sahaja in Mexico.
      Jai Johan [email protected]

  6. Jon

    “…and a good time was had by all.” doesn’t quite do justice to the experience. Reaching a new level of connection or collectivity can only be experienced, something is always lost in the description. However, one of the gifts that comes with self realization is the ability to feel the vibrations. Truly, everything on this page is emitting very strong vibrations! It is amazing to feel this from the experience of others through photos and text on a web page. Thanks for bringing back some cookies and glowing yogis as well!

  7. Elsie Kuly

    What a beautiful place,Canajoharie. Even the name is special The photos are wonderful – the green plants, water and scenery would be the source of spiritual healing and energy. Such amazing vibrations. To share this with a large group of loving people is a once-in-a lifetime experience. Thanks for the photos and description – it’s next best to being there.

  8. Colleen

    I came to this page from a link in an e-mail and the feeling it gave me when looking at these pictures and reading everything was incredible!! It felt like a huge loving hug!! I was there that weekend and it was life changing.

  9. judith cecilia martinez

    Mis queridos hermanos.
    Gracias por compartir toda esta información, que es maravillosa, cuanta alegría siento me encantaría estar alli con uds.

  10. Anjali

    Missing being in cananjohaire at this time of the year with my beautiful sahaji family

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