VIDEO – 2 Performances in 1 (Ali Maula and Namaste Calan) with Yogis from Ontario
Our participation to the 2nd UMMID Internation event at the express invitation of the organizers was not short of exceptional – there were politicians invited to address the audience and they took their time to mention our sahaja yogi band that was truly the highlight of the evening! Their performance was also presented at TV later on, but unfortunately we were not provided with the professional video. Here there is the record made ad-hoc by Razvan (a great supported of our sahaj activities) while the amazing yogi band – Axinia (vocals and harmonium), Sorin (vocals), Ahilan (tabla) and Rishi (vocals) – had performed in quite challenging conditions; the room was full and the public became extremely excited with the music. Definitely our yogis were out of their ‘comfort zone’ but they were the living proof that one can remain in a state of thoughtless awareness in any circumstance .
Sufism & Sahaja Yoga Related Compilations:
(click!) RUMI’s Inspired Valentine’s Day: “Hearts in Blossom with Meditation, Chakra Workshop and Healing Mantras”
“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Jalal ad-Din Rumi (a 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic -> a Self realized…(click!) Beauty & Subtle Science On Mondays – Let’s be Kabir’s Friend
(click!) Yogis and Sufis on Adam’s Day 2013 (VIDEO/PHOTOS)