(video) The Wisdom from Youth Program @ We are One – Dec 8, 2013 (LIVE TESTIMONIALS)


(VIDEO – Dec 8, 2013 We are One @ Burlington Arts Centre)

Meet Shulin, Yon, Nathan, Shirin and Sammy


(click!)Life De-Stress for Youth with Sahaja Yoga Meditation” program

(click!)  Speech from Stephen Dankowich (OCCPEHR) @ We are One – Dec 8, 2013

(click!) Yon’s Testimonial on “Life De-stress” for Youth (Oakville)

We are One – painting by sahaja yogini artist Brenda Telchak from Burlington


  All photos (the snapshot from the Irish Dance performed by the Youth group as well the detail of the beautiful painting decorating our “We are One” event) were taken by Brenda from Burlington Sahaja Yoga meditation – with Shulin’s camera. Thank you both! 

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Shashidhar

    Am so happy for you all…

    The path you have chosen is so life-transforming that it is never too early. You are the chosen ones and this spiritual journey is your reward for your sincerity and all the good you have done in your lives. Grab it with both hands and enjoy an amazing new world unfold every moment!

  2. letitia

    Felicitari pentru entuziasmul ce-l transmiteti,bucuria pe care o dati vorbind de Sahaja Yoga,de transformarile care s-au produs facand meditatie,sunteti convingatori si sinceri,ma simt bine,plina de vibratii.

  3. Shashidhar

    Brenda, wonderful painting indeed!

    I start my day’s work lost in this piece of art. Reminds me so much of Nargol and Ganapatipule in India. Many of us have enjoyed memorable meditative moments on the sea shore.

  4. Richard Besner

    I searched high and low for 41 years, though 3,000 books, dozens of types of meditations and a dozen so called false Guru seminars until finally 41 years later I found the truth and light and power of God flowing through me the day I came across a simple process presented by very humble people, who offered me Sahaja Yoga for free and when I experienced Kundalini energy flowing through my subtle system in the first class for the first time in my life I knew it was very special, something Divine. I knew I had hit the Spiritual Jackpot, and since then I have only followed Sahaja Yoga for the last 4 1/2 years and it keeps getting better and is the magical and miraculous doorway connecting you to a very real GOD. All of the Sahaja Yogis will treat the newcomers and each other like brothers and sisters and love you unconditionally.
    Newcomers to Sahaja Yoga, rejoice and celebrate as when you do your daily meditation and footsoak you will deepen your divine connection and receive more spiritual gifts from the Divine who accepts you, forgives you and loves you unconditionally more than you can ever imagine. Enjoy the Divine vibrations as God and his disciples bless you in Sahaja Yoga.
    Peace, Joy and Love to you.

  5. Jon

    This was one of the highlights of the program! The vibrations were very strong, and everyone spoke with great wisdom and sincerity. Great job everyone! We look forward to the next one.

  6. paula

    I feel that this group of youths is about to change everything in the world. They have that gravity from within, that power that comes from being connected and speaking the truth of their experiences. I was so moved by each of their stories, so personal yet we can all relate to their transformations. Some only started two months ago, and Shulin almost 5 years and she is only 16! Completely in awe of all of them, completely inspired. These youths can move mountains with every word and action. Amazing!

  7. Kathleen

    My heart is overwhelmed with joy every time I am with these beautiful young people. So pure and full of love!

  8. Jos Boven

    Thank you for all the information about Angels. I have never realised they were thàt important.
    Ridavindra, Belgium

  9. judith cecilia

    Un cordial saludo para todos mis hermanos y hermanas yogui, para que este nuevo año 2014 ,Madre nos siga dando màs bendiciones,
    Quiero compartir con todos uds, una gran experiencia, para el dia 23 de Noviembre del año en curso, nos reunimos el colectivo de la ciudad de Valledupar Colombia , para
    prepar Puja Shri Bhairava,fuimos delegados
    dos personas Gonzalo Y judith, para comprar las las flores, eran las 7PM.y cuando habiamos caminado unas 6 cuadras alcanzo a ver dos tipos y seti algo extraño aceleramos el paso,pido procteciòn a Madre , y me hecho la cartera al otro lado
    cuando uno de estos tipos saca un puñal y lleva contra la paret a Gonzalo , le pide el bolso (cartera)la que tenia Judith, a la cual no me vieron y los tenia de frente viendo todo el juego,fue impresionante le dieron con el puñal en lado izquierdo, este no le entro,mi hermano en medio de la angustia me grita corre, y cual fue mi respuesta, correr? no..y comence a gritar con toda esa fuerza que y seguridad que Madre nos dejo,, a llama,,,,Majakali….Majakali…Majakali, y estos malandros corrian como polvora, impresionante,aturdidos,mis oidos escuchaban como si un ejercito los corretiaba, Miren Gonzalo esta aterrado no le paso ni un rasguño, solo le quedo un pequeño dolor en el corazòn.JAI SHRI MATAJI,


  10. Mohinder Sidana

    I am so amazed looking at these young people doing such a great job for bringing peace and happiness in world.
    May all divine power bless them
    I think we should give all the possible support to these youngsters for making these youth programs a success

  11. Bhola Sharma

    Awesome!!!These young people are fully blessed by Divine & ‘spreading the flagrance of Sahaja Yoga Flower’ to the society.Dear Yuvas(Yong people) We are with you,please keep it always up!!!

  12. Kartikeya

    WOW these youth are around the same age as me and I really love the energy they emit! Such innocence and dynamism I can feel from them. I really hope more youth come to Sahaja Yoga and feel the pure bliss of being in this universal family. Really hope to meet the youth seekers of today which I feel are quite missing in our Sahaj community nowadays!

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